Fibromyalgia is a condition characterized by persistent muscle aches in one or multiple parts of the body. Individuals who have fibromyalgia will experience other symptoms like headaches, fatigue, and joint stiffness, which can affect overall body function. Living with fibromyalgia can make it challenging for your work, household chores, parenting duties, and other daily activities.

The main aim of treatment for this condition is to strengthen the muscles, reduce fatigue, and ease the pain as much as possible with Pilates. Pilates, when combined with physiotherapy, is a known remedy for fibromyalgia. Pilates for fibromyalgia works by establishing an exercise routine designed to relieve tension by stretching your muscles.

Since the exercises in this routine are controlled, you avoid overstraining your muscles and can progress slowly as your body recovers. If you experience the symptoms of fibromyalgia, it is essential to seek expert guidance before you embark on Pilates.

What is Fibromyalgia?

Fibromyalgia is a condition that causes pain in the muscles and joints throughout the body. The condition can make you feel physically tired and cause mental problems like memory loss. Fibromyalgia patients experience fluctuating symptoms. Sometimes, these symptoms make it challenging for you to navigate daily life activities. While the exact cause of fibromyalgia is unknown, some studies have shown that conditions like stress and sudden life changes can trigger it.

For some people, genes inherited from their parents can increase their likelihood of developing fibromyalgia. This means that the condition could be passed down through generations. Other factors that can increase your risk of developing this chronic condition include:

  • Age. Although fibromyalgia can affect individuals of all ages, you are at an increased risk of developing the condition if you are over forty years old.
  • Sex. Individuals who are assigned as female during birth have a double chance of developing fibromyalgia compared to their male counterparts.
  • Stress. Although the amount of stress you experience daily cannot be measured, too much stress can affect your health and cause unexplainable muscle pain.
  • Chronic illnesses. Individuals with conditions like irritable bowel dysfunction, osteoarthritis, and depression have a high chance of developing fibromyalgia. Some people develop this condition after battling infections with severe symptoms.
  • Trauma. You are at risk of developing fibromyalgia if you have suffered physical trauma or severe injuries.

Different individuals have varying triggers for fibromyalgia. However, anything that causes physical or emotional stress can cause the condition to flare up. These incidents can include changing your routine or hormonal or temperature changes.

Symptoms of Fibromyalgia

Although the manifestation of fibromyalgia differs between patients, the following are some of the common symptoms you should look out for:

  • Muscle tenderness and pain. Most patients with fibromyalgia experience tenderness and pain in the muscles throughout the body. While muscle pain can be a result of different issues, including injuries and illnesses, the muscle pain associated with fibromyalgia feels like someone is pulling your muscles out and can be unpredictable.
  • Temporomandibular joint disorders. You may experience pain in the jaw and face if you have fibromyalgia. Often, this could progress to TMJ disorders.
  • Severe headaches. In addition to muscle pain, you could experience severe headaches or migraines when you have fibromyalgia.
  • Bladder control problems. The pain and discomfort associated with fibromyalgia could make it challenging for you to control your bowel and bladder.
  • Fatigue. Individuals with fibromyalgia often feel tired even when they have not engaged in strenuous activities. This could make it challenging to go through a normal day.
  • Insomnia. You may have fibromyalgia if your fatigue and muscle pain are accompanied by insomnia or other sleep disorders. Lack of sleep will add to the fatigue.

Pilate Exercises for Fibromyalgia Patients

If you experience one or more symptoms of fibromyalgia, you must consult with a healthcare provider. You will be put through a physical assessment and asked about your symptoms. Most of the tests done are aimed at ruling out different conditions to exclude fibromyalgia. Since there is no cure for fibromyalgia, different treatment options are used to manage your symptoms and strengthen your muscles.

These treatments could include medication, psychological care, and daily function. Pilates is an effective treatment option for fibromyalgia. This treatment involves low-impact exercises to strengthen muscles and allow the body to heal naturally. With Pilates, you will learn to control the muscles of your back and abdomen.

Additionally, you can stabilize your abdomen, neck, and rib cage. Before you start Pilates exercises, you must seek expert guidance. Your physical therapist or healthcare provider will help you design a program to manage fatigue, increase endurance, and strengthen your muscles.

Most individuals dealing with fibromyalgia tend to disconnect from their bodies due to the pain. Therefore, Pilates will focus on reconnection of the mind and body, which can offer numerous benefits for the patient. A Pilates plan is often individualized, depending on the nature and severity of your symptoms. With such a routine, you will know what exercises suit your condition.

Pilates is suitable for patients of all ages and could include exercises like:

Pelvic Clocks

The pelvic clock exercise is a great beginner alternative because it creates awareness of your body and how it reacts to different physical strains. Your physical therapist can teach you to isolate your pelvic and abdominal muscles while keeping other parts of your body relaxed. This exercise is done through the following steps:

  • You must lie on a flat floor with your knees bent. You will then need to keep your legs parallel at hip width. You can then rest your hands on your hips and relax your neck and shoulders.
  • When you are comfortable on the floor, you should imagine having a clock on the belly button, whether the 9 and 3 o’clock represent your hip bones.
  • Contract the abdominal muscles while keeping your upper body relaxed.
  • Use your abdominal muscles to move your hips around the clock.
  • You can repeat this motion in the opposite direction up to three times.

Bridge Exercise

The bridge exercise helps ease tension along your back and build your glute muscles and is performed through these steps:

  • Lie on your back with bent knees.
  • You will then lift your hips off the floor while you exhale. You will then engage the core by squeezing your glutes.
  • You will then return to your position and repeat the exercises five to ten times.

While engaging in this exercise, you should ensure that your shoulders are not overextended. This helps ensure that the focus is on the intended part of the body.

Bent Knee Fallout

This exercise focuses on strengthening the muscles of your lower abdomen and inner thighs. You may be a good candidate for this exercise if you experience pain and tension in the pelvic muscles. Therefore, this exercise is ideal for muscle activation. The exercise needs you to:

  • Lie on a flat surface with a slight curve on your spine and bent knees.
  • Draw your shoulder blades away from your ears to stabilize the muscles and bones.
  • Exhale and pull down the muscles around your belly button.
  • Allow your knees to open up without moving your hips. You will experience a gentle stretch on the muscles of the inner thigh. As you inhale, you must bring your knees back together gently.
  • Repeat the exercise for both legs up to five times while focusing on your abdominal muscles.

Heel Slides

For individuals with fibromyalgia, the heel and slide exercise is an effective way to strengthen the muscles and ease the tension in the lower abdomen. You can do this exercise in the following steps:

  • Lie on your back with a spine curve.
  • Move your shoulders away from your ears to stabilize the scapula.
  • Exhale to contract the abdominal muscles.
  • Exhale and slide your heel along the floor surface. During this exercise, you must keep your pelvis and spine still.
  • You will then return your knees to their original position and repeat this exercise while focusing or stabilizing on the lower abdomen.

Ribcage Arms

This exercise focuses on your torso muscles and is accomplished by:

  • Lying on a flat surface with bent knees and feet flat.
  • Inhale and try to reach the back of your ears with your arms. At this point, you can pull the muscles of your ribcage inward without making an arch on your back.
  • Inhale and take your arms to the side while maintaining torso stabilization.
  • Repeat the exercise.

Mat Exercise

Often, your physical therapist will not recommend mat exercises for Pilate beginners. This is because the exercise may be too challenging for individuals who are afraid of the pain that fibromyalgia brings. The mat exercise needs to include the exercises offered by beginner exercises, like bridges and pelvic clocks. Poor movement during the mat exercise in the early stages of treatment could cause more muscle strain and pain.

Some common mat exercises you can incorporate into your plan include spine stretches, legwork, and standing footwork.

Benefits of Pilates for Fibromyalgia

With the different options for managing fibromyalgia symptoms, Pilates can help you regain muscle strength and return to normal activities. The following are some of the benefits of Pilates for fibromyalgia:

  • Reduces pain or makes it more manageable. The pain caused by fibromyalgia can cause discomfort and make it challenging to perform your daily activities, including work. There is no cure for muscle pain and strain caused by fibromyalgia. However, engaging in a Pilates routine can help ease the pain or make it more manageable.
  • Prevents deterioration. Fibromyalgia causes muscle strains and other physical symptoms that can make life difficult. When left untreated, the condition can progress, causing psychological symptoms like insomnia, depression, and mental distress. When you have a Pilates exercise routine, you can prevent your symptoms from deteriorating.
  • Increase in muscle strength. Treatment and management options for fibromyalgia are aimed at relieving the symptoms associated with the condition. Unfortunately, the condition may have caused weakness in your muscles, which makes it challenging to engage in normal tasks even when the pain has subsided. Pilates focuses on not only easing the symptoms but also strengthening your muscles. Therefore, you can feel more energized and in control of your body.
  • Improvement of overall well-being. You can stimulate your body while you work to relieve muscle tension using Pilates. This triggers natural body healing for other conditions you could be dealing with.
  • Comfortable exercises. Most patients with fibromyalgia are reluctant to start an exercise routine due to the fear of worsening the symptoms. Fortunately, a physical therapist will guide you through simple and beginner Pilates exercises that progress as the condition improves. Pilates exercises are also comfortable, making them suitable for patients of all ages.
  • Reduced Fatigue. The fatigue associated with fibromyalgia may impact your productivity throughout the day. When you start your Pilates exercises, you may feel some relaxation in your muscles and be energized throughout your day.
  • Better body control. Individuals with fibromyalgia often experience pain and muscle spasms. This makes it challenging for the individual to control their body. With time, the condition can cause mental problems like stress and depression. Pilates helps a patient regain control over their body.

Find a Holistic Healing Clinic Near Me

Fibromyalgia causes pain and other symptoms that can be uncomfortable to live with each day. Most patients with fibromyalgia are reluctant to explore some treatment alternatives for fear of worsening their symptoms. However, research has shown that when Pilates is performed correctly and with expert guidance, it can effectively relieve fibromyalgia symptoms and strengthen your muscles.

This is because Pilates is a low-impact program that focuses on stability and general strength. Additionally, the workouts combine breathing and exercises, increasing oxygen and blood circulation to affected body regions. Managing fibromyalgia symptoms by remaining active gives you a sense of control over your quality of life.

Although Pilates has numerous benefits for fibromyalgia patients, having expert guidance is critical to helping you create and follow a Pilates routine. At Trinity Acupuncture, we offer specialist advice for our Torrance, CA, patients with fibromyalgia and other muscle disorders. Contact us at 310-371-1777 to book an appointment.