Acupuncture As a Remedy to Fertility Challenges

Acupuncture has become widely popular in Western countries as a natural alternative way to try to conceive (TTC). Sought for its convenience, unique therapeutic effects, and minimal side effects, acupuncture has become a highly reliable option for people at any point in their fertility journey. In fact, studies have shown that at least one in four couples has chosen acupuncture to assist them in conceiving naturally or with the assistance of medical fertility treatment. As an adjunct therapy to ART, such as in-vitro fertilization (IVF), acupuncture has been known to help increase the likelihood of success in those who are trying to conceive. 

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Basic Principles of Acupuncture

The philosophy behind acupuncture treatment is rooted in the traditional Chinese dualistic theory of yin and yang. Yin is an energy that is dark and passive and is represented by the earth. Yang is the energy that is active and light, represented by the heavens. 

Yin and yang forces act in our bodies as they do in the natural universe. Ideally, yin and yang flow through and around one another in perfect harmony, allowing the body to be in top form. However, when these two forces in the body are imbalanced, the body experiences a blockage of Qi, which in turn manifests as physical disharmony or disease. Qi flows via the twelve meridians in the body, each linked to a significant visceral organ, like the kidney, liver, and so on, and when the path is blocked, the body experiences pain or discomfort in that area. Acupuncture practitioners utilize their skills to identify blockages and use treatments to unblock the pathways, restoring yin and yang distribution. When the pathways are cleared, Qi flows harmoniously and freely, restoring an individual's health. 

TCM views the body as a whole and acupuncture practitioners treat all organs together to keep our bodies healthy. They search for the root cause of the body’s imbalance instead of the surface level symptoms. Acupuncture treatment stems from the belief that when there is a balance between yin, yang, and qi within all our body organs, we will feel healthy.

When extending the basic principles of acupuncture to fertility enhancement, TCM encourages acupuncture treatments in conjunction with lifestyle changes in order to find balance in the organs believed to encourage fertility and reproductive function: the liver, heart, spleen, and kidney.

In contrast to the perspective of Western medicine about the body and its organs, TCM views the organs as connected and needing balance as a whole. Instead of seeing bodily organs as separate and having singular functions, TCM practitioners believe that all the organs work together and exist to balance one another. Therefore, if one organ should lose balance and not do its job properly, other organs may also be impacted, resulting in either immediate symptoms or developing symptoms that could be masked by other concurrent issues. Therefore, the best treatment targets not only the malfunctioning organ but the entire system of organs and the whole body. 

Acupuncture Misconceptions and Facts

Acupuncture is a practice that was once plagued by mythology and misinformation. One example of a misconception is that acupuncture is painful. In western media, acupuncture looks intimidating—oftentimes, the camera will depict a person lying with a face full of needles with no context and no explanation, looking as if undergoing a terrible procedure. However, the fact is that doctors use tiny needles, smaller than one-fifth the size of a hypodermic needle. You will barely feel anything, even with multiple needles. 

Another misconception is that acupuncture is a pseudoscience. Most people categorize acupuncture with other treatment options they think are fake or mere superstition. That is far from fact. In 1996, the FDA classified acupuncture needles as medical devices, recognizing the sound principles behind acupuncture and its effective use in the medical field. Most states require doctors who opt to include acupuncture as one of their services to obtain a license to practice acupuncture. 

Still others used to believe that acupuncture is not safe. Some people have intentionally or unintentionally broadcast the notion that acupuncture treatment is somehow unsafe or unhygienic. This could not be any further from the truth. Acupuncture needles are categorized as medical devices. Acupuncturists are trained to utilize needles which are meant for one-time use, pre-packaged in sterile packaging, and discarded immediately after use. 

Lastly, there is this misconception that acupuncture treatment requires hours to take effect. Perhaps you think you will have to lie flat on your back for several hours for the needles in your body to kick in. You would be wrong. An acupuncture session only takes fifteen to twenty minutes on average, and the advantages can be felt immediately.

More and more people are looking past the myths and finding that acupuncture is not only safe, relaxing, and founded upon thousands of years of medicinal practice, but is also extremely effective. Patients even find that acupuncture will effectively address issues which had previously not responded to any other treatment. 

How Does Acupuncture Enhance Fertility?

According to scientific research, acupuncture may boost your fertility in various ways: 

  • Reducing Stress

    Anxiety and stress can negatively impact your fertility by interfering with your hormonal balance, impacting your ovulation and reducing your libido. Acupuncture 

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  • Increasing Blood Flow

    Acupuncture assists in improving blood circulation to reproductive organs, particularly the ovaries and uterus. This might enhance the quantity and quality of

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  • Hormone Balancing

    Acupuncture treatment stimulates the endocrine system responsible for generating and releasing hormones that impact pregnancy, menstruation, and ovulation. By 

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Research and Evidence on Effectiveness of Acupuncture for Fertility

Studies have shown that acupuncture can help enhance fertility in women who have various health conditions, including PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome), ovulation problems, and hypothyroidism. A few research studies have revealed an improvement in fertility in those who receive acupuncture treatment. In one study, women who were randomly selected to undergo acupuncture treatment before their embryo transfer were two times as likely to conceive as those who never received it. Another research study determined that for women undergoing IVF, undergoing acupuncture treatment after and before embryo transfer increases their rate of pregnancy from 26 to 42 percent.

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Combining Acupuncture with
Other Fertility Treatments

If you are wondering whether you can combine acupuncture with other fertility treatments, the simple answer is yes. Combining acupuncture with any kind of fertility treatment, including IVF, IUI, donor IVF, FET, medicated cycles, et cetera, is effective and safe. There are a few reasons why you may consider combining acupuncture treatment with any kind of fertility treatment: 

Many research studies have shown acupuncture can increase the odds of live birth, clinical pregnancy, conception, and ovulation when combined with other fertility treatments. 

  • In IUI treatments, a research study revealed that pregnancy rates for women who combined acupuncture with their treatment were 65.5 percent versus 39.9 percent for women who just did an IUI cycle alone.
  • In IVF treatment, women who combined acupuncture therapy with their entire cycle had about 60% pregnancy rates. 
  • Doing acupuncture alone after and before embryo transfer resulted in a 42.5 percent pregnancy rate versus 26.3 percent in those who never used acupuncture treatment. 
  • In women who did injectible, Femara, Clomid, or other medicated cycles,one research study established ovulation rates of 67.8 percent versus 51.9 percent and 51.9% conception rate for the treatment and acupuncture group versus 30.4 percent for the treatment-only group. 

Whereas there are charges for undergoing acupuncture, combining acupuncture with your fertility treatment can lower the number of cycles required to attain pregnancy, thus substantially reducing costs.

Minimize the side effects of treatment. Often, acupuncture is used symptomatically during fertility treatment to minimize side effects like mood swings, hot flashes, pain or cramping during the cycle, and stress and to help increase the production of cervical mucus.

Lastly, acupuncture can support your physician's treatment for conditions like endometriosis, PCOS, low AMH/high FSH, male factor fertility challenges, low ovarian reserve, and premature ovarian failure.

How Acupuncture Complements Conventional
Fertility Treatments

Apart from enhancing fertility, acupuncture is a valuable addition to fertility treatments, whether trying to conceive naturally or with ART. The following are some ways in which acupuncture will complement your fertility treatment plan:

Supports general health and wellness

Acupuncture will assist you in addressing other health problems that might indirectly impact your fertility, like chronic pain, allergies, digestive problems, or insomnia. By enhancing your digestion, sleep quality, pain relief, and immunity, acupuncture can assist you in feeling more energetic and comfortable throughout the fertility journey. 

Enhances ART outcomes

Some research studies have deduced that acupuncture conducted after and before embryo transfer increases the pregnancy rates of ART patients, like IVF. This could be because of acupuncture's capability to relax the uterine muscles, enhance blood flow to the uterus, and lower anxiety and stress. Acupuncture may also assist in reducing IVF medication side effects, like mood swings, headaches, nausea, and bloating. 

Enhances emotional well-being

Trying to conceive can be emotionally challenging; it can cause guilt, anger, sadness, or frustration. Acupuncture can assist you in coping with these kinds of emotions by providing a supportive and safe space to receive compassionate care and express yourself. Additionally, acupuncture can assist you in cultivating a hopeful and positive mindset to boost your resilience and confidence. 

What to Expect During Acupuncture Treatment

You will complete a health history form, and your acupuncturist will review it and ask questions regarding your fertility journey, constitution, lifestyle, and general health to develop a personalized treatment. After reviewing your health history, the acupuncturist will examine your tongue and take your pulse. These two are the classic aspects of the Traditional East Asian Medicine diagnostic system. After developing a working diagnosis, the acupuncturist will ask you to lie on a massage table. You may have to remove your clothes so they can access particular acupuncture points. In thatcase, they will drape you in a blanket so you are comfortable. One acupuncture session might take a maximum of sixty minutes, though some sessions may be shorter. A standard treatment plan for a condition generally entails two or more weekly treatments. The amount of treatment will be based on the exact condition being treated and the severity. Generally, it is common to undergo six to eight treatments.

The acupuncture procedure entails the following:

  • Needle insertion

    The acupuncturist will insert acupuncture needles into different depths of strategic acupoints on the body. These needles are pretty thin, so insertion often results in 

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  • Manipulation of the needles

    The acupuncturist may gently twist or move the needles after placing them or apply mild electrical pulses or needles to them.

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  • Removing the needles

    In many cases, the needles stay intact for twenty to twenty-five minutes while you lie still and relax. Your acupuncturist will regularly check on you to ensure you are

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According to some studies, apart from post-and pre-embryo transfer acupuncture, as few as two additional treatments increase pregnancy rates. Other studies state that as many as twelve treatments are recommended. The fact is, there is likely no magic number, as everybody's needs vary.

Psychological and Emotional Impact of Acupuncture

Acupuncture treatment stimulates the central nervous system, releasing chemicals into the brain, spinal cord, and muscles. The biochemical changes may stimulate the body's natural healing capabilities and enhance emotional and physical well-being. Acupuncture is also effective in reducing stress, anxiety, and depression, which can promote psychological and emotional well-being. In essence, acupuncture assists the body with excellent performance since it encourages the release of endorphins, hormone cycling, and blood circulation. The outcome is balanced emotions and better feelings of overall mental health. 

Some precautions may need to be taken in certain cases. For example, ensure you inform your acupuncturist if you:

  • Have a bleeding disorder— the odds of bruising or bleeding from the acupuncture needles may increase if you have a bleeding disorder or are taking blood thinners.
  • Have a pacemaker— acupuncture treatment that entails applying slight electrical pulses to the needles might interfere with the pacemaker's operation.

Acupuncture risks and side effects are minimal if a certified, competent acupuncturist conducts the treatment using sterile needles. Prevalent side effects include minor bruising or bleeding and soreness at the needle insertion site. Acupuncturists use single-use, disposable needles; thus, infection risk is minimal.

Our Services


Herbal medicine and acupuncture work hand in hand to address your health problems faster than either one on its own. Combined, they restore vitality and function naturally, with no side effects of synthetic pharmaceuticals. At Trinity Acupuncture, we pride ourselves on providing herbal formulas that exceed or meet Good Manufacturing Protocol (GMP) standards. Our herbs are strictly tested for contamination by heavy metals and other impurities. Most of our herbal products are also from Botanical Biohacking, which provides sustainably wild-crafted, grown herbal medicines. Cultivated at the appropriate altitude and climate and harvested at the correct period, the herbs are powerful botanical medications to assist patients in achieving optimal health. 

Patient Education on Lifestyle and Nutrition

Providing proper nutrition to the body is among the most critical factors in leading a healthy life. Many foods in the U.S. are different from what they were years ago. Oceans have been polluted, soils depleted, and organisms substantially modified. Additionally, there is an increase in the use of toxic pesticides. Since we have been exposed to this unavoidable environment, we must decide what is available to consume, considering nutrient density, acidity, and toxicity. With traditional schools of thought in mind, we educate our patients on lifestyle and nutrition and create a customized balanced menu for every patient, depending on what we find from our diagnosis. Our goal for nutritional balancing is to provide the body with the best chance of functioning properly to achieve and maintain general health.

Postpartum Acupuncture

Restoring the health of a new mother is essential in the few weeks after birth for her well-being and ability to be available for her baby. During postpartum acupuncture, we aim to establish milk supply, balance hormones, shrink the uterus, manage insomnia, alleviate depression, and restore balance to the body. Postpartum acupuncture and herbal therapy can provide vital support during this sensitive period when our bodies are in recovery from pregnancy, labor and delivery while simultaneously being sleep-deprived and taking care of a newborn. You can start postpartum acupuncture anytime after delivery, and we recommend getting care during the first three months after delivery, based on your symptoms and overall health. 

Prenatal Acupuncture

Acupuncture is an exceptional way to support your spirit, body, and mind during pregnancy. It is safe, relaxing, and effective. You can undergo acupuncture at any point in your pregnancy to address various concerns, including morning sickness, pubic pain, constipation, back pain, swelling, sinus congestion, headaches, carpal tunnel, insomnia, heartburn, severe vomiting, depression, anxiety, itching, and stress - all common symptoms that patients can experience during pregnancy. Additionally, undergoing 

acupuncture regularly in the last four to six weeks of your pregnancy can also increase cervical ripening and shorter, more timely labor. 

Contact Us Today

By offering acupuncture as part of a comprehensive spectrum of care, we at Trinity Acupuncture make it seamless and easy for you to undergo perfectly coordinated treatment combined with your selected fertility treatment. To learn more about acupuncture for fertility, if you wish to undergo treatment in Torrance, call us today at 310-371-1777 to set up an appointment.