As a sportsperson, how frequently do you walk from the gym or a sporting activity with discomfort or pain? Our minor compromises during everyday sporting activities have a far-reaching impact on our general health. Fortunately for you, the Alexander Technique (A.T.) can be of great help. It will help you find a better sense of balance, poise, presence, or ease in every sporting activity you do. Regardless of your favorite sport, A.T. can help you develop your skills while enjoying the activity more.

By working hand in hand with an experienced A.T. instructor, you will learn how to minimize or eliminate strain, whether sporting for fun or competition. At Trinity Acupuncture, we offer expert A.T. lessons to students seeking them in Torrance, CA. Call us, and we will help you learn to be aware of the habits and injurious tensions that result in chronic pain through this effective technique.

What is the Alexander Technique?

The Alexander Technique is the study of how we do what we do. It assists in improving a person's performance by reconnecting their thinking with their movement. This technique involves much more than just correcting a person's posture. It develops internal awareness of a person's response to their environment. Learning this technique makes a person's response to the world joyful, efficient, and easy.

Unlike most exercises, the A.T. is not a physical therapy exercise. It entails proprioceptive and postural reduction, hence focusing on learning what to avoid doing as a priority. That is, learning to be conscious of, refraining from, and releasing harmful routines of muscle utilization and improving coordination of motion. All these set the technique apart from regular, specific exercises.

The Alexander technique can be used during simple daily activities like bending, standing, sitting, and walking. It aims at teaching and educating the right utilization of the postural mechanism that regulates upright locomotion and support. This mechanism involves coordinating the limbs, head, trunk, and postural muscle motor control.

In most cases, unnoticed and habitual, a person can learn to become significantly conscious of this mechanism and make varying choices regarding locomotion, coordination, and movement. Particularly, the A.T. focuses on coordination. It is usually taught by a specialist using verbal instructions and gentle touches, and a person learns self-help via a combination of these techniques.

Physical therapy aims at strengthening, stretching, improving motor control, and increasing aerobic capacity and utilizes specific gauged exercises practiced at given times. On the contrary, the Alexander approach entails teaching the awareness and release of dangerous muscle tension and proprioceptive reeducation. It focuses mainly on the essential relationship of the back, neck, and head, utilizes the semi-supine position as the central technique, entails assessing and guiding coordination and movement, and is performed during daily living activities.

Who Can Study the Alexander Technique?

A person who experiences repetitive pain, poor posture, chronic pain, breathing problems, or who is coping with learning disabilities, depression, or anxiety can benefit from studying the A.T. This technique is broadly practiced across the field of performing arts as it helps actors, dancers, musicians, athletes, and public speakers cultivate poise, grace, balance, coordination, and assists in eliminating stage fright. Additionally, it is proven to relieve pain during pregnancy and aid in labor. In essence, anyone interested in enhancing their general quality of life can benefit from this technique.

Alexander Technique In Improving Sports Performance

How you utilize your body may dramatically impact your performance in sports. The A.T. has helped professional and amateur athletes realize that the more conscious they are of their actions, the more significant control they will have over their bodies. This method has been utilized effectively in most sports, from running to golf, and assists with competitive anxiety, technique, stamina, and other factors related to performance.

Having an excellently coordinated body and mind is critical in sports, as it assists in improving health and enables a sportsperson to be effective during competition. This technique creates awareness of even minute thoughts and movements, allowing graceful and efficient coordination. You can use this technique when pressure is rising during competition, as it offers flexibility and choices you might not even be aware you have.

Some of the sporting activities where the A.T. has helped improve performance include the following:


At times, we overreact to the terrain and tense up while skiing. This technique will give you tools to remove these kinds of habits. Think of free hips and knees as the knees release forward and away, making the skis slide along the terrain.


Golf can sometimes be frustrating; one inconsistent shot could be followed by another, leading to a bad game that will be forgotten. Learning the A.T. can help solve this problem.

Firstly, the technique teaches you to refrain from reacting to the course of events, stay calm and relaxed, and take every shot independently. Additionally, the A.T. will help you to focus and stay in the moment. Learning this technique will also help your movements to be more coordinated and balanced, and you will have more freedom to strike the ball a greater distance. With help from your teacher, you can learn how to bend and move with minimal tension so that your body works optimally.


The Alexander technique is also helpful during cycling. Attending to your spine's length and being conscious of your sitting bones is critical. Think of freedom in your hips and knees going forward and away. Refrain from overgripping the handlebars.

The Role of the Alexander Technique Teacher

The A.T. teacher aims to assist the pupils in developing the awareness needed to change themselves. Working with the pupil in a neutral condition, frequently lying down, standing, or sitting, the A.T. teacher uses manual and verbal guidance to assist the student in releasing contractive patterns. They will then guide the pupil through easy movements, teaching them to initiate motions from a dynamic posture. That is, without returning to the habitual posture to initiate motion.

The motions used at the beginning of lessons are goal-oriented. That means they are not about doing something correctly but about observing movement patterns and their initiation. In practice, the teacher uses precise guidance and might give the student immediate feedback regarding rigidity or unnecessary effort.

In most cases, change in motion is realized through the A.T., not by knowing how to perform a movement correctly but by being conscious of the already learned aspects of movement interfering with coordination and finding ways to inhibit them. Instead of seeking active solutions if you are not properly performing when there is injury or pain, you want first to assess what you might be doing to contribute to the problem and learn to refrain from doing it. Although this might seem obvious in cases involving businesses that are not functioning correctly, it is against the traditional concepts most of us follow from art, sport, and school.

How The Alexander Technique Differs From Other Techniques

First of all, the A.T. is a course that necessitates a person’s active participation. Consequently, an A.T. expert or trainer is called a teacher, while A.T. sessions are called lessons. This is not a treatment whereby the patient passively receives this experience. Unlike yoga, gym work, or pilates, this approach does not involve exercises, postures, or stretches. Instead, it instills a given quality of harmony and calmness that can form the foundation of all sports activities.

Usually, your physical therapist, chiropractor, or osteopath may recommend that you learn the A.T. since, although these professionals bring relief, your signs and symptoms may reappear. That often indicates that your tension and habits are causing your health problems and, thus, recreating your suffering and discomfort. By learning the Alexander technique, you will unlearn these habits.

Eventually, the technique provides various health advantages a person can maintain without returning to a medical practitioner.

Can the Alexander Technique Be Combined With Other Treatment Options?

Alexander Technique teachers do not diagnose medical conditions or prescribe treatment options for given illnesses. The students of the Alexander Technique are in charge of making informed decisions for themselves. Nevertheless, simultaneously engaging in multiple techniques could be confusing. It can then be challenging to know what is and is not useful. Thus, it is wise first to have multiple sessions of the technique to establish a fundamental foundation of how it is used and functions and eliminate the primary cause of many problems.

At Trinity Acupuncture, we believe in an integrated and holistic approach to good health. Some treatment options can be highly effective for particular conditions and may result in the recovery and well-being of an Alexander Technique pupil. We have worked effectively with the best complementary and medical healthcare professionals in various fields, including sports medicine, rheumatology, psychotherapy, osteopathy, acupuncture, homeopathy, traditional Chinese medicine, and nutrition.

We are always pleased to refer our learners to these professionals and, when necessary, review their progress within this integrated framework.

Benefits of the Alexander Technique In Sports

The A.T. has several benefits, especially in sports performance. Here are some of them:

  • It minimizes the risk of injury—sporting activities place a more significant demand on the body and can often result in injuries. An Alexander Technique teacher can show you how to lessen tension during more demanding activities, dramatically lowering the risk of injury. The increased flexibility and freedom the technique provides assist in improving performance and frequently renew enjoyment.
  • Minimizes excessive goal orientation—in most cases, early training calls for the sportsperson to try harder, which can lead to excessive muscle tension. That puts the body under great pressure. Additionally, should these habits persist, they may interfere with the body's natural mechanisms. Consequently, the affected person must often give up the sport altogether. Once sportspeople learn the Alexander Technique, they are usually amazed to learn that a simpler, more flowing approach can generate the same or even more excellent performance with minimal effort.
  • It helps you stand taller—the A.T. technique centers on how the back, neck, and head work together. When the tension in the neck is minimized, the head will no longer compress the spinal cord, and the spinal cord becomes free to lengthen.
  • Improves coordination—changing how we move in various daily activities will enhance coordination. People suffering from neuromuscular disorders like cerebral palsy, MS, and stroke have also been proven to benefit from this technique.
  • Lowers blood pressure—by releasing muscle tension, blood vessels become less constricted; thus, blood circulates more easily.

Other benefits include:

  • The technique awakens and enlivens the sixth sense—kinesthesia
  • Improves posture
  • Relieves pain, particularly for spinal or joint-related issues
  • Enhances coordination and performance in all activities
  • Releases unnecessary tension
  • It helps find a flowing, balanced, and powerful expression of the self


The disadvantages of the A.T. technique include the following:

  • Total commitment—usually, making A.T. work for you is mostly about incorporating it into your daily activities, from making a telephone call to sitting and going to bed at night. If you only commit yourself to it in a class, you will not experience all its possible benefits.
  • Go to the right A.T. teacher—if you are hoping to focus on one specific aspect to enhance, for example, your running techniques, you will need to look harder to find a teacher who can help you overcome your specific needs.
  • This technique has no specific cardiovascular or strength benefits—your muscles, lungs, and heart will not become fitter by learning the technique. However, by utilizing your muscles more efficiently, you can begin to be highly effective without facing the risk of injury.
  • It is not a quick fix—you must be physically and mentally engaged in the A.T. class for numerous lessons before you start feeling the advantage. However, everything you learn will stay with you.

Find an Experienced Alexander Technique Teacher Near Me

Regardless of your skill level, whether you are an amateur or an Olympic sports enthusiast, the A.T. will enhance your enjoyment and skill level. The A.T. will enhance your control, endurance, and accuracy, whether you are a tennis player, golfer, runner, baseball or basketball player, swimmer, soccer player, or volleyball player. Even essential training activities like stretching and lifting weights become more effective and efficient. All sporting activities become inspired by the pleasure and ease of poise and movement.

If you wish to acquire A.T. lessons in Torrance, we at Trinity Acupuncture will gladly take you through them. Our expert instructors will help you find out how to achieve your athletic and sporting goals effortlessly. Call us at 310-371-1777 for a consultation.