Chemotherapy is a common treatment for many types of cancers. This treatment targets the active cancer cells, which grow and divide as the condition worsens. Unfortunately, both cancer and healthy cells may be impacted by this treatment. While chemotherapy has proven effective in cancer treatment, it causes numerous side effects. The side effects of chemotherapy vary depending on the type of cancer and the seriousness of our condition.

Common healthy cells affected by chemotherapy treatment include blood cells. Mouth or digestive system and hair follicles. This causes side effects like hair loss, extreme fatigue, mouth sores, diarrhea, and constipation. While some of these side effects could go away naturally after the treatment ends, some chemotherapy lingers longer. There are numerous treatment options to minimize chemotherapy side effects, and sometimes your doctor could recommend acupuncture.

Acupuncture is a component of traditional Chinese medicine where needles are inserted through your skin and manipulated to help balance the body’s energy. You can reduce the Side effects with acupuncture without ingesting the additional medication.

Torrance Acupuncture for Chemotherapy Side Effects

Conventional therapies, which have been tested through clinical trials, are prescribed by doctors to minimize the side effects of cancer treatments like radiotherapy and chemotherapy. However, most of these therapies involve additional medication, which could produce other side effects, and you may need an alternative.

As a complementary therapy, acupuncture can be used alongside conventional medical treatment to enhance the quality of life for cancer patients. Recently, there has been growing data pointing out the role of acupuncture in relieving the negative side effects of chemotherapy treatment. One study of hundreds of women with breast cancer showed that acupuncture helped reduce pain, fatigue, and anxiety associated with chemotherapy.

The origin and acupuncture techniques aim for proper energy flow and balance. This helps to stimulate the nervous system and change acts like nausea, joint pains, and diarrhea associated with chemotherapy drugs. With the strength of chemotherapy drugs on your body, acupuncture is an alternative way to help you feel normal with minimal side effects.

Acupuncture Techniques

Each acupuncturist has a unique style of blending western and eastern medicine. With the different forms of acupuncture available, your practitioner will examine the following factors to determine the kind that suits your situation best:

  • The painful body parts. Some of the pain you could experience while undergoing chemotherapy include joint pains, stomach pain, and muscle aches. Different acupuncture points exist to relieve pain in these areas. Sometimes, the acupuncturist will insert the needles in areas other than the point of pain.
  • The color, shape, and coating of your tongue. The shape and color of your tongue can reveal a lot about your energy balance. Under normal conditions, your tongue is expected to have a thin white coating. Any variation in the shape or color may indicate pressure on your internal organs.
  • The quality, strength, and rhythm of your pulse. Acupuncture stimulates your body which could increase your heart rate. Therefore, the acupuncturist will check the pulse rate on your wrist to determine the technique suitable for your condition. If you have a pacemaker, acupuncture may not be the best way to reduce the impact of chemotherapy side effects.
  • Your face color. In addition to balancing energy, acupuncture helps with blood circulation. Checking your face's color helps determine whether there is proper circulation.

If you are a good candidate for acupuncture, you should make one or two visits to the acupuncturist per week. The number of sessions you need will vary depending on the seriousness of the symptoms you wish to eliminate. Additionally, your reaction to the treatment in the first session will dictate whether you need to return. Often, the needling technique is the most common form of acupuncture to treat chemotherapy side effects.

During your first visit, your acupuncturist will inform you of the areas they wish to stick the needles. Generally, acupuncture involves the following:

Needle Insertion.

After wearing the appropriate attire, the acupuncturist will ask you to lie on a padded table and relax. Acupuncture needles are inserted into various parts of your body at different depths. The needles are very thin, and you may not feel them as they enter your skin. A normal acupuncture treatment uses five to twenty needles. You could experience some discomfort when the needles reach the desired depth.

Needle Manipulation

When the needles are in the correct depth, your acupuncturist will manipulate them by moving or twirling them. There are different ways acupuncture needles are stimulated, including the following:

  • Manual stimulation. The manual stimulation of acupuncture needs includes pushing them up and down and pulling them.
  • Heat stimulation. Your acupuncturist could use a dried herb burnt on the acupuncture needles for extra stimulation. Sometimes, the needles can be warned up using an infrared heat source.
  • Electrical stimulation. A handheld device sends electrical pulses to your body through the needles.

Needle Removal

Depending on your symptoms and expected outcome, acupuncture needles remain in your skin for ten to fifteen minutes when you lie and relax. The acupuncturist will then remove the needles from your skin.

Chemotherapy Side effects you can Minimize with Acupuncture

Acupuncture may be effective in relieving the following side effects of cancer treatment:

  • Fatigue is the feeling of excessive tiredness even when you have rested enough. Acupuncture for treating cancer-related fatigue involves at least three sessions per week. The needle stimulation helps your muscles relax and relieve fatigue.
  • Hair loss. Some types of chemotherapy cause severe hair loss. You could often experience slow or rapid hair loss depending on your body’s reaction to the treatment. Acupuncture helps to stimulate the body’s natural reaction and healing. Therefore, inserting the needles in different body parts can stimulate the hair follicles and promote the regrowth of your hair.
  • Pain. Chemotherapy treatment often causes different forms of pain, including muscle pain, headaches, and pain from muscle damage. Most forms of chemotherapy pain go away between your treatment sessions. If the pain from nerve damage is severe, the chemotherapy drug causing the effects may need to be stopped. In addition to taking pain relievers and adjusting the chemotherapy medication, your doctor could recommend acupuncture.
  • Constipation. Chemotherapy drugs could affect your digestive system, which causes constipation. This could mean not having a bowel movement or having difficult bowel movements. Taking pain medications to relieve chemotherapy pain could also cause constipation. The main cause of constipation is reduced colonic motility due to stress. Stimulating different acupoints in the body could help relieve constipation.
  • Nausea and Vomiting. You may experience nausea and vomiting after your chemotherapy treatment. The seriousness of this symptom varies depending on the type and dosage of your drugs. Although some drugs can help you avoid nausea and vomiting before chemotherapy, these drugs do not work for everyone.
  • Nervous system effects. Some chemotherapy drugs can cause nerve and muscle damage, characterized by burning and tingling sensations on the arms and feet, loss of balance, trembling, and weak and shaky muscles. While some of these symptoms fade with lower drug doses, your doctor can recommend acupuncture as commentary therapy.
  • Appetite loss. In between your chemotherapy sessions, you may feel less hungry than usual. Considering the strength of chemotherapy drugs, a lack of enough food and nutrients could cause dramatic weight loss. Using the stomach and kidney acupuncture points improves your digestion, and more nutrients are absorbed into your body.
  • Blood disorders. Your bone marrow is a spongy tissue inside the bones. Chemotherapy affects the bone marrow's ability to make new blood cells. Therefore, you could suffer from a low blood cell count. For some people, the blood cell count could return to normal. However, if this is not the case for you, you may need additional treatment to restore your blood count. Acupuncture stimulates the body’s natural healing processes and can help with this disorder.

Side Effects of Acupuncture for Cancer Patients Undergoing Chemotherapy

Although acupuncture offers numerous benefits for chemotherapy patients, the following side effects are associated with treatment:

  • Risk of lymphedema. If you have had your lymph nodes removed under your arms, you should not have needles inserted in this part. This is because fluids could accumulate in this part, causing lymphedema and swelling.
  • Infection. Acupuncture involves inserting needles into your skin at different parts of the body. Although the needles are single-use and the acupuncturist swabs the area before the procedure, there is a risk of infection. Cancer patients have a compromised immune system, which increases the risk of infection. You can minimize the risk of infection in acupuncture by seeking the services of an experienced and licensed acupuncturist.
  • Excessive bleeding. If you have a bleeding disorder or are taking blood thinners, you are at an increased risk of bleeding when acupuncture needles are inserted into your body. Therefore, you must disclose your full medical history, including the drugs you are on before you begin the acupuncture procedure.
  • Bruising. Although the needles used for acupuncture are very thin, you could experience bruising at the site where the needles are inserted. Different acupuncture points can stimulate your body and restore energy flow. Therefore, you can experience bruising and soreness which lasts a few days after the procedure.
  • Lightheadedness. Acupuncture causes your body to relax. However, you may feel lightheaded after the procedure. You can minimize this feeling by resting or resting before you resume your normal routine.
  • Worsening of the symptoms. Although some people will feel better after acupuncture, there are times when your symptoms do not resolve or you feel worse. For example, if chemotherapy makes you feel fatigued, the fatigue and lightheadedness from acupuncture could worsen your situation.

Considerations when Choosing Acupuncture

Although acupuncture offers relief from chemotherapy side effects, the treatment is unsuitable for everyone. Since scientific studies have not properly explained how acupuncture works with western medicine, you must be cautious when seeking this treatment in the middle of your cancer treatment. Some considerations you should take include:

  • Discuss the option with your doctor. While your friends and family could recommend acupuncture for your chemotherapy side effects, the treatment is not for everyone. You must discuss the option with your doctor. The doctor will consider all the medications and dietary supplements you are taking to determine whether you are a suitable candidate for this therapy. If you have other health problems like high blood pressure or blood clotting problems, you should skip out on acupuncture.
  • Do not rely on the diagnosis of an acupuncturist. You must only rely on the observations of an acupuncturist on the necessity of this therapy if you have consent from your doctor.
  • Choose a licensed acupuncturist. Acupuncture is a relatively safe procedure, especially when you do not have underlying medical conditions. However, the experience and techniques used by the acupuncturist could dictate the outcome of your procedure. When considering acupuncture, you must seek the services of a licensed practitioner. With a licensed acupuncturist, you can be sure they have the necessary experience to ensure a favorable outcome. If your doctor recommends acupuncture, you can ask them for a referral to the right acupuncturist.
  • Only some people respond to acupuncture. When you explore acupuncture to relieve chemotherapy side effects, you must understand that the treatment does not work for everyone. Each person’s body is different and will react differently to stimulation. Therefore, you should be ready for any side effects and sometimes no change in your condition.

Find a Reliable Torrance Acupuncture

You could experience serious side effects like diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, and hair loss during chemotherapy. Different treatments are available to minimize the side effects of chemotherapy in cancer patients. Outside of medications, your doctor or nurse could recommend that you undergo acupuncture treatment. This treatment involves balancing your body's energy through heat or electrically stimulated needles.

Like other forms of treatment, acupuncture could present some side effects, such as bleeding from the needles and infection. Cancer and its treatment can take a toll on your health and well-being. Therefore, you want to avoid dealing with more side effects of acupuncture. Consulting with competent and experienced acupuncture helps ensure you receive the best services with high effectiveness and reduced side effects.

At Trinity Acupuncture, we will offer you the effective care you need to minimize chemotherapy treatment side effects through different acupuncture techniques. If you or your loved one seeks top-notch acupuncture treatment in Torrance, CA, we invite you to contact us at 310-371-1777 today.