Acupuncture is no longer an uncommon treatment option. The treatment is used by around 10 million Americans each year, and there is a rising trend of people embracing it as an option for medical therapy. So far, research indicates that it has a significant positive effect on patients dealing with lower back pain. Therefore, finding a qualified acupuncturist is necessary. This blog explains more about how acupuncture can help with lower back pain.

Understanding Acupuncture and How It Works

Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese practice of complementary medicine that involves inserting thin needles into a patient's body at specific acupoints. These acupoints act as "trigger points" in the muscles. Needling them can offer significant pain relief. Aside from the muscle trigger points, acupoints could also be located at other important anatomical spots, such as the nerve-rich regions of tendons and their connection to the bones. Some therapies have also been demonstrated to increase white blood cell counts, which helps the immune system, or blood circulation to the muscles.

What Is Lower Back Pain?

Lower back pain can be caused by a variety of injuries, ailments, or diseases. The most common of which is an injury to the back's muscles or tendons. The intensity of pain can vary from minor to severe. In some circumstances, pain makes it challenging or impossible to sleep, walk, work, or perform daily tasks.

Common Causes of Lower Back Pain

Lower back pain is most frequently caused by lumbar muscle sprains and strains. Many individuals sustain injuries and pain when trying to complete significant home projects like painting an apartment's exterior or landscaping.

The lower back is likely to strain due to its role in supporting weight and connecting movements like bending and twisting. A muscle strain occurs when the muscle fibers get torn or overstretched. Inflammation is frequent at the point of injury, and it's usually accompanied by discomfort during movement. Muscle cramps or spasms could develop, as well as impaired function or range of motion.

Acupuncture and Lower Back Pain

Acupuncture relieves lower back pain by focusing on pressure points in the lumbar part of the body. Needles are put at several points that generally correspond to the body functioning "energy centers" or meridians. Acupuncture can affect the lower back through several meridians, including but not limited to:

  • Hands
  • Feet
  • Lower back
  • Hips
  • The rear part of the knees

The acupuncture needles are administered in certain nerve clusters close to these regions, which are supposed to ease lower back discomfort, stress, and pain in general. Acupuncture uses several meridians to relieve pain in other body parts. Since each needle is targeted to a particular region, the treatment is more locally focused.

There are 3 major arguments as to why this is beneficial:

It Discharges the Neurotransmitter

Acupuncture can help to reduce lower back pain by boosting the various hormones that are stimulated when the body perceives the presence of acupuncture needles. Your acupuncturist can stimulate the synthesis of hormones that assist control the functioning of the nerve endings by inserting needles into the appropriate places.

Acupuncture, by manipulating nerve endings, can effectively deceive the body to shut off certain regions so that the individual does not feel pain. It's vital to understand that this therapy is only temporary because, given some time, neurotransmitters will eventually grow again. Acupuncture treatments, on the other hand, can assist the body in conditioning itself to numb or ignore the pain.

Effects on the Body's Nervous System

The body's response to pain varies in several ways. Acupuncture needles are supposed to stimulate the nervous system in various ways since they aren't significant enough to elicit a full-fledged neurological reaction from the body. According to one concept, the meridians or trigger points used in acupuncture help to stimulate the nerves by triggering their reaction in a manner that helps relieve pain.

Acupuncture can influence the brain by allowing it to respond to certain trigger points every time an acupuncture needle is put in. Therefore, your nervous system adjusts or concentrates on that spot instead of the area causing you pain. Again, these results are just temporary, but frequent treatments can provide relatively short-term pain relief.

Chemical Discharge

Finally, acupuncture can stimulate the parts of the body that generate pain-relieving chemicals when it is wounded. Normally, these compounds are only produced after severe or active trauma, so they are not triggered for chronic pain. However, because needles have a wide-ranging influence on the body, it is more likely to be receptive to producing natural painkillers.

Although these painkillers don't have the same strength as opioids such as morphine, because of how well they work with the body, you could successfully regulate their discharge with regular acupuncture treatments. However, it faces the same problem in that, while it is wonderful for pain management, it would be less effective in the long run.

Even though the underlying mechanisms of acupuncture aren't fully known, studies on its impact on persons suffering from chronic pain are quite encouraging. There is enough evidence to support acupuncture as an alternate method of pain management, even though it might not be the primary means of treatment.

Things to Consider Before Getting Acupuncture

Although acupuncture has many advantages, there are several things to think about before receiving the treatment.

Regular Sessions are Necessary for Favourable Outcomes

Acupuncture is not a one-time treatment solution. Making regular appointments with an acupuncturist is the best approach to maximize your results. This might not be a problem for those who have the resources or time to see an acupuncturist. However, it might be a barrier for those who cannot access this kind of care.

The outcomes also do not last long. This is because the body can heal itself, thus the changes caused by the needles should be repeated for the outcomes to be permanent. Furthermore, the long-term benefits of acupuncture have not been thoroughly researched, thus there is the risk that other negative effects could arise with long-term treatment.

Only Seek Treatment From Licensed Acupuncturists

The prospect of dealing with fake acupuncturists is among the most persistent risks associated with acupuncture. Fake acupuncture is essentially acupuncture administered by a person who is not trained or authorized to practice it, often by the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. Check the acupuncturist's credentials before consenting to any sessions with them, and be certain they are fully licensed.

The main justification for doing this is that getting acupuncture treatment from an untrained person carries a lot of risks. In addition to general discomfort and pain, some issues and consequences include puncturing of the internal organ, severe bleeding, and nerve damage.

A qualified acupuncturist is aware of the safest places to insert acupuncture needles and will be able to provide aftercare recommendations.

Not Covered By Health Insurance

Many insurance companies do not consider acupuncture to be a medical treatment. Therefore, your insurance coverage won't pay for any injuries sustained in an accident involving your acupuncture treatments. Even though the risks are similar to medical injuries such as nerve damage or bleeding, getting any healthcare insurance to pay for the costs of treating them will be difficult.

To ensure that you are covered in case something goes wrong, be aware that if you're interested in acupuncture, you will be required to bring your coverage. Once again, choosing a certified acupuncturist will greatly lower the likelihood of something going wrong during the process.

When receiving acupuncture, it is important to always keep these things in mind. Regardless of its advantages and tangible benefits for patients, there are still a lot of things about acupuncture that remain unknown when compared to modern medicine.  As a result, it should only be used to address low-risk, chronic illnesses such as lower back pain rather than as a direct cure for them.

When To Consult a Doctor

Consulting with your physician before your appointment is one method to have some peace of mind throughout your acupuncture treatment sessions. In many cases, a doctor could have a clearer understanding of how the body could respond to the treatment, including tolerance to pain, the need for the acupuncture procedure, and the best post-surgery aftercare.

They could also aid in minimizing the usual adverse effects of acupuncture treatments, such as bleeding, swelling, and inflammation. Normally, you should let your doctor know how frequently you see your acupuncturist, as well as any physical responses that occur as a result of each treatment.

Additionally, it's important to see a doctor if you're pregnant, have an illness like anemia, use anticoagulants, or if you are on any other medications. Even though the acupuncture procedure is a minimally invasive treatment with no immediate dangers, if you fall into one of these groups, you should proceed with extreme caution due to the unpredictable complexities regarding how it could react with each patient.

Finally, your doctor can identify and address any issues or abnormalities that you notice even when they're not directly related to the acupuncture treatments. A doctor's recommendation is usually required before using acupuncture as a complementary pain management technique.

Does Acupuncture Work for Lower Back Pain?

Because acupuncture treatments have roots in conventional Chinese medicine instead of Western medical procedures, there is a great deal of criticism around it. Except for the fact that it has been used for many centuries, there doesn't appear to be anything to back up its effectiveness. Even though it's been praised as one of the best options in alternative and complementary medicine, uninformed people may find the treatment to be quite intimidating.

Acupuncture is effective in treating several medical ailments, according to some data. With conditions including osteoarthritis, migraines, sleeplessness, and even certain cases of PMS (premenstrual syndrome) and menstrual cramps, acupuncture has had only limited success.

However, among the most frequent problems treated with the acupuncture procedure is chronic pain, particularly in the back, neck, shoulders, arms, and legs. Acupuncture's underlying principles, such as energy balance and qi, could be a little more difficult to understand, but its real medical advantages have been subject to certain well-established studies.

How Frequently Should One Get Acupuncture for Lower Back Pain?

Acupuncture sessions can be arranged twice each week for a few weeks then one time every week when the back pain becomes better. The therapeutic advantages linger for about one week, and they begin to manifest after the first twenty-four to forty-eight hours following treatment.

Based on the intensity of the pain and the length of time you've been having the symptoms, patients could experience relief after their first acupuncture treatment session and total recovery after several sessions.

What is Electro-Acupuncture?

Electro-acupuncture may be used to stimulate Qi flow in instances of persistent pain or whenever a practitioner discovers a buildup of Qi. During an electro-acupuncture session, needles are inserted in the usual manner, and then little clips are connected to two needles, which conduct a mild electric charge between the selected needles to activate a bigger region.

How Long Does It Take For Acupuncture to Relieve Back Pain?

Chronic problems might need 10 to 12 treatment sessions, and they might come back with less discomfort. Regular acupuncture could be beneficial when the pain progressively worsens.

Can Acupuncture Cause Nerve Damage?

When an acupuncture needle punctures a nerve, you'll most likely experience a painful tingling or burning feeling. That feeling should gradually fade when the needles have been removed, but it may linger based on how far a needle touched the nerve. Although acupuncture technically has the possibility of harming a nerve, a long-term injury is quite uncommon.

Since acupuncture needles are so tiny, any nerve damage would be rather minimal. Additionally, after suffering an injury, our body's nerves are capable of healing. Additionally, there are other hazards associated with acupuncture, so you should proceed with precaution if you suffer from any bleeding problems or diseases, are trying to become pregnant, or are pregnant at the moment.

Find an Los Angeles Acupuncturist Near Me

Acupuncture could be a great alternative to prescription medications in the treatment of lower back pain. However, keep in mind that it can just relieve discomfort and not address the underlying problem. Consult a doctor right away and discontinue the treatment if the discomfort becomes unbearable or gets worse during acupuncture sessions.

Lower back discomfort can be effectively treated with individualized care at Trinity Acupuncture. Through personalized treatments and a focus on exceptional customer care services, we assist our clients in managing and addressing issues with chronic back pain. Call us at 310-371-1777 today for more information about the acupuncture services we can offer you. We serve the City of Torrance in California.