If you experience constant headaches and migraines, you must understand how seriously this pain can affect your quality of life. Thinking beyond the throbbing in your head can be very challenging. Finding a remedy becomes a top priority when a headache or migraine strikes. Treatment of the first sign of headaches using painkillers is often effective. However, when the pain is persistent and severe, you will want to explore remedies that offer long-lasting relief.

Acupuncture is a component of traditional Chinese medicine and is one of the treatment portions that can help relieve the pain and discomfort caused by headaches and migraines. This type of treatment involves skin stimulation through the use of thin needles. Studies have shown that acupuncture stimulates your body's pressure points and nerves to reduce neck tightness, stress, and blood circulation. This helps in its effectiveness in treating headaches and migraines. You must consult a skilled acupuncturist if you consider acupuncture for headache and migraine relief.

An Overview of Acupuncture for Migraines and Headaches

Headache is a pain in any region of your head. The pain could either occur on one side or radiate across the head. On the other hand, a migraine is a type of throbbing headache that causes light sensitivity, vomiting, and nausea. Some individuals could experience flashes of light which can be very disturbing.

A migraine differs from a headache in that migraines are more severe and are concentrated on one part of the head. While there are many drugs that a doctor would recommend for your migraines, most of them are aimed at pain relief. Additionally, some of these drugs will produce severe side effects when used for a prolonged period. If your migraines are consistent and do not go away, it would be best to try other treatment alternatives like acupuncture.

The exact cause of headaches and migraines is not known. However, it is thought that a change in hormones or nerve signaling affects blood flow to the brain, and the body responds to this change with pain. Hormones in our bodies are responsible for the dilation or constriction of the blood vessels. When the brain blood vessels dilate, more blood containing oxygen can move to the brain. Some of the common triggers of migraines and headaches include:

  • Stress affects brain functions like hormonal and chemical outputs. When your body is stressed, it produces serotonin, the stress hormone. Serotonin causes blood vessel constriction, and a migraine can occur.
  • Some foods like cured meat, salty foods, aged cheese, or chocolate can trigger headaches. These foods contain high sodium and nitrate, increasing blood vessel constriction.
  • Sleep deprivation. When your body is not well rested, you could experience hormonal imbalance, which affects blood flow.
  • Weather changes. Increased humidity due to storms can cause pressure and irritation to the brain nerves. Nerve irritation will translate to inflammation and extreme pain.
  • Alcohol contains ethanol and histamine, which create inflammation in your bladder, causing you to pass more urine. The more you remove water from your body, the higher the effect on your blood pressure.
  • Taking too much caffeine or withdrawing from caffeine can cause headaches which translate to migraines over time. Caffeine increases magnesium levels in the blood and causes dehydration.

How is Acupuncture for Headaches and Migraines Performed?

Acupuncture is a component of traditional Chinese medicine and is done using thin needles. Most people report feeling minimal or no pain during the procedure. When you explore acupuncture for your headache or migraine, the acupuncturist will insert the needle at a point that produces pressure or ache. Sometimes, the specialist could heat the hands before inserting them into your skin or incorporate an electric current.

Improper needle placement can cause pain during the treatment. Therefore, it would be best if you sought the services of an experienced acupuncturist. The Food and Drug Association regulates the production of acupuncture needles to ensure that they are safe and do not cause damage. Other forms of acupuncture stimulation that can be used for the relief of headaches and migraines include:

  • Moxibustion
  • Friction
  • Acupressure
  • Cupping
  • Electromagnetic energy

If your acupuncturist incorporates pressure into your therapy, they may concentrate on the following pressure points; to relieve migraine and headaches:

  1. The third eye. The third eye is a pressure point located between your eyebrows. This pressure point is stimulated by massaging the area in a circular motion.
  2. Gate of consciousness. This acupressure point sits on the hollow space beneath your shoulder and each side of the spine. The specialist could activate these points by applying pressure using the index finger. Massaging the gates of consciousness will help reduce muscle tightness in the neck and head, causing headache relief.
  3. Drilling bamboo. These pressure points are located at the nose bridge below the eyebrows. The acupuncturist will apply equal pressure on these points for maximum stimulation.
  4. Union valley. The union valley is the pressure point found on the loose skin between your index finger and thumb. This pressure point is stimulated by moving your thumb in circular motions.
  5. Shoulder well. The shoulder well sits halfway between the base of your neck and the shoulder joint. The acupuncturist gently applies pressure to this point. Activation of the shoulder well helps reduce tension and stiffness of the neck.

Unlike popping pills and moving on with your day, scheduling and attending an acupuncture appointment means that your purpose is to focus on yourself. Part of reducing stress associated with migraines is changing your mindset and habits. Although trying something new could be nerve-wracking, acupuncture treats the root cause of your pain to ensure it doesn’t recur.

Specialists recommend that acupuncture be used alongside other forms of treatment. Acupuncture is one art of traditional Chinese medicine. Therefore, you want your acupuncturist to have different treatment alternatives that you can explore for your headaches and migraines. If you have already consulted a doctor and received drugs for your headaches and migraines, you should not stop this treatment after you begin acupuncture.

Role of Acupuncture in Headache and Migraine Relief

Acupuncture stimulates nerves and pressure points in your body to relieve headaches and migraines. This therapy helps in the following ways:

  • Stimulate endorphins release. Endorphins are hormones that your body releases when it experiences pain or stress. Endorphins act as messengers in your body. The brain releases endorphins to block the nerves from receiving pain signals. The body may fail to produce endorphins when you experience migraines or headaches from stress. Stimulation from acupuncture can relieve pain through the production of these hormones.
  • Reduce neck tightness. One of the symptoms of a headache or migraine is a feeling of tightness in the neck. Since the back of your neck is an acupuncture point. Placing acupuncture needles in this area will trigger muscle relaxation.
  • Reduces inflammation. Inflammation is associated with severe headaches and migraines. Inserting acupuncture needles at specific points of the body promotes the release of immunomodulatory and vascular factors that can counter this reaction. Research has shown that the innate immune system mediates the anti-inflammatory action of acupuncture.
  • Promotes blood circulation. The blood circulation in your brain significantly affects the development of headaches and migraines. When blood vessels constrict, blood flows at high pressure, and migraine symptoms are alleviated. Acupuncture helps with healthy blood circulation by regulating the inflammation in the brain. Additionally, the needle stimulation modulates the brain chemicals responsible for the dilation or constriction of the blood vessels.
  • Affects brain serotonin levels. Serotonin is a chemical that is necessary for communication between nerve cells. An increase or decrease in serotonin levels can cause the narrowing of the blood vessels. A fluctuation in serotonin levels triggers a migraine. Acupuncture reduces the symptoms of headaches or migraines by regulating the levels of this chemical in your brain and other body parts.
  • Reduces stress by encouraging relaxation. In addition to the healing factors of acupuncture, the procedures use the body’s internal mechanisms to bring relief. Inserting the needles stimulates the nerves under the skin. The nerves then send a message to your brain, causing it to produce pain-relieving chemicals. The natural brain chemicals can cause you to feel relaxed.

Factors to Consider when Choosing Acupuncture for Headache and Migraines

Since scientific studies have not fully explained how acupuncture works within western medicine, you must take the necessary precautions before undergoing this treatment. When deciding on acupuncture, consider the following:

  • Discuss with your doctor. Although acupuncture provides numerous benefits for individuals with constant headaches and migraines, it is not the best approach for everyone. Before you consult an acupuncturist, discuss the medications or dietary supplements you are taking with your doctor. If you have received a diagnosis from your doctor, you must ask them whether acupuncture is an option for your condition.
  • Consult a Licensed Acupuncturist. Acupuncture is a generally safe procedure when carried out by an experienced professional. A skilled acupuncturist understands where to place the needles and the depth necessary for your specific condition. You can contact a licensed acupuncturist through referrals from your doctor or family and friends who have undergone the treatment.
  • Insurance and costs. Before you start the acupuncture treatment, you must ask the acupuncturist about the number of sessions you need and how much it will cost you. Additionally, you can inquire about insurance coverage for the procedure. Treating headaches and migraines is not for cosmetics or relaxation. Therefore, some insurers may cover the process.

Acupuncture is very beneficial for migraines or severe headaches. However, the number of sessions you need to undergo will vary depending on your medical history, the severity of your conditions, and your body’s response to the treatment. The acupuncturist may recommend that you come in two to four times a week.

Risks Associated with Acupuncture for Migraines and Headaches

While acupuncture is safe for most people, the following are some risks associated with the procedure:

  • Excessive bleeding. The needles used for acupuncture are thin, and the chances of bleeding from the procedure are minimal. However, if you have a bleeding disorder or are on blood thinners, the procedure may cause bleeding. A skilled acupuncturist may recommend you stop taking the blood thinners for a while before the procedure.
  • Interference with pacemaker function. Sometimes, the acupuncturist can apply heat or electrical current to the needs used in acupuncture. Therefore, if you have a pacemaker, this procedure can affect the pacemaker's function.
  • Premature labor. The needles inserted in your body during acupuncture are aimed at stimulation. Therefore, using these needles in some areas of the body could trigger early If you experience migraines and are pregnant, you must consult your doctor before considering acupuncture.
  • Damage of internal organs. Some acupuncture points in migraine and headache relief are located above vital organs. Therefore, pushing the acupuncture needles further than necessary could damage your internal organs.
  • Every time your skin breaks, there is a risk of infection. When the needles are not sterilized correctly, or the procedure is none in an unsanitary area, you could suffer infection around the acupuncture points.
  • Recurrence of the migraines. The most dreaded negative outcome of acupuncture is failure to recover from your underlying condition. Since acupuncture is not proven 100% effective for migraines, some people may fail to notice changes in their symptoms even after the procedures.

Find an Experienced Acupuncturist Near Me

Stress, sleep deprivation, and hormonal imbalance can trigger headaches and migraines. Alongside other forms of treatment, specialists recommend that you undergo acupuncture. Unlike drugs and therapy, which aim to treat these conditions' symptoms, acupuncture aims to eliminate the root cause of migraines and headaches.

Acupuncture has proven effective in restoring the body's balance by improving circulation and reducing muscle tightness and inflammation. Additionally, this therapy promotes relaxation by regulating serotonin in the body. When performed by a skilled acupuncturist, acupuncture offers numerous benefits and low risk.

At Trinity Acupuncture, we offer safe and reliable acupuncture treatment services for migraines, headaches, and other conditions caused by an energy imbalance. We serve clients seeking to undergo acupuncture in Torrance. Contact us at 310-371-1777 today.