Medical experts, describe infertility as the incapability to conceive after engaging in unprotected sexual intercourse for one year. Women incapable of remaining pregnant might also be infertile. Per the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), infertility affects approximately 12% of women aged between 15 and 44. In 35% of couples experiencing fertility problems, both a female and male factor may contribute. Medical experts identify male factors alone in about 8% of infertility cases in couples actively trying to conceive.

Infertility treatment has tremendously benefited from acupuncture. Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) used to manage various medical conditions. It involves an acupuncturist inserting thin, tiny needles into specific points in the body to encourage blood circulation to that area. Research has indicated that the capability of acupuncture to treat Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), balance hormones, and improve egg/sperm quality increases pregnancy rates. This has led many men and women to undergo acupuncture treatment jointly with fertility treatments yearly.

How Acupuncture Works for Fertility

When used to treat infertility, acupuncture experts say the treatment helps by:

Improving Sleep

Most studies have verified that sleep disturbances and insufficient sleep can impact women’s and men’s reproductive and overall health. One research on women with sleep problems established that those with insomnia are 400 percent highly likely to experience fertility problems. A study on men under fertility treatment concluded that poor sleep quality corresponds to lower total sperm count, concentration, and motility.

In a systematic analysis of previous studies on acupuncture treatments, researchers established that this treatment option could effectively treat insomnia. The data from the analysis showed that acupuncture treatment could also help enhance sleep duration and quality parameters. Two primary ways have been identified for how acupuncture helps treat insomnia.

Stimulating Blood Circulation to Reproductive Organs (Testes and Uterus)

It is theorized that most infertility cases arise because of blockages that hinder blood flow. Acupuncture treatment can increase blood flow and ensure nourishing blood flow reaches reproductive organs. Increased blood circulation helps provide these organs with more oxygen and other essential nutrients.

Studies have established that acupuncture treatment positively affects blood circulation. Research focusing on acupuncture's ability to lower blood flow hindrance and increase flow in the uterine artery measured three primary blood flow indicators— the temperature in the lower back (lumbosacral), skin temperature on the forehead, and the pulsatility index before, after, and during treatment. It established that these indicators were substantially improved or reduced, meaning that acupuncture treatment can improve blood circulation.

Relieving Anxiety and Stress That Causes Infertility

Stress is among the most intricate causes of infertility because being diagnosed only worsens the problem. Stress may increase after an infertility diagnosis, failed IVF treatment, or follow-up doctor appointments, and acupuncture treatment is highly recommended for reducing it. The treatment helps lower cortisol concentrations. Cortisol is the stress hormone in the body. This will, in turn, increase the possibility of conceiving.

Several studies have found a relationship between reduced pregnancy chances and a woman's daily stress levels. One study established that women with high alpha-amylase (an indicator of stress) levels in their saliva took 29% longer to conceive than women with low levels.

Whenever our bodies detect stress, they perceive it is an unideal time to conceive and react accordingly. Stress significantly affects our lifestyles and may influence us to have less sex. Stress may also lead to people turning to unhealthy routines such as smoking, drinking a lot of alcohol, and drinking a lot of caffeine, damaging their natural fertility and overall health.

Specifically, in men, research has revealed that stress affects semen parameters. It can negatively affect testosterone and LH (luteinizing hormone) production. This results in complications in spermatogenesis, leading to low sperm quality.

Acupuncture treatment helps balance hormone levels, particularly the major stress hormone called cortisol. Acupuncture has also proved to assist in reducing depression and anxiety, which unluckily can turn out to be severe in persons under infertility treatment.

Normalizing Menstrual Cycles and Balancing Reproductive Hormones

Imbalanced hormones negatively impact fertility. Fortunately, acupuncture can enhance the generation of sex hormones associated with fertility and restore their balance in the body. A review of multiple studies concluded that acupuncture helps increase prolactin, progesterone, estrogen, and other hormones.

Irregular menstrual cycles are a primary sign of anovulation. Research has established that apart from enhancing hormone production, acupuncture treatment can positively influence reproduction functioning and menstrual health in women having delays in conceiving. Acupuncture also specifically helps women suffering from PCOS who infrequently ovulate and are infertile. Studies have shown that repeated acupuncture procedures can lead to higher ovulation frequency in women with PCOS.

Treating Pre-Existing Conditions

PCOS, ovarian cysts, and endometriosis negatively affect female fertility. Research has shown that acupuncture treatment alongside traditional medical treatment options can alleviate symptoms causing infertility. For instance, women suffering from PCOS have ovulation.

A woman who fails to ovulate cannot conceive. Studies have shown that recurrent acupunctures can induce ovulation in more than one-third of women suffering from PCOS. Additional studies have revealed that acupuncture treatment can specifically assist PCOS patients under IVF treatment.

Acupuncture treatment can assist in reducing endometriosis symptoms by balancing hormones and increasing nourishing blood flow to boost the health of the uterus. Endometriosis can lead to the growth of cysts that resemble endometrial tissues outside the uterine cavity, causing ovarian functions to be impaired and causing chronic pain.

Studies have indicated that acupuncture treatment can yield a positive outcome and serves as an option to treat non-surgical infertility for women with endometriosis. The study results also showed that acupuncture treatment could assist women suffering from endometriosis in conceiving. Research has additionally revealed that acupuncture treatment can help alleviate endometriosis-related pain.

Acupuncture can also help patients with poor ovarian reserve. A study researched acupuncture effects in sixty cases under IVF treatment and found that the treatment can enhance pregnancy outcomes and oocyte quality in patients with poor ovarian reserve.

Increasing Pregnancy Chances for Women Undergoing IVF (In Vitro Fertilization)

Acupuncture treatment can also assist in improving the success rates of IVF. Research exists to support the ability of acupuncture to enhance clinical pregnancy outcomes and pregnancy rates and to assist couples whose IVF treatment failed. A review of 30 trials involving 6,334 participants who underwent IVF and acupuncture treatment found that acupuncture enhances pregnancy rates for women under IVF treatment.

Another study centered on how acupuncture treatment can enhance IVF outcomes. It found that after multiple treatments, participants exhibited reduced stress, enhanced endometrial thickness, and enhanced patient satisfaction. Another review of several studies disclosed that acupuncture treatment could help women who have had unsuccessful IVF trials.

Improving Sperm Count, Quality, and Motility

Sperms account for half a growing embryo and a future child's genetics. It is usually erroneously assumed that the woman is significantly responsible for infertility in a couple when the fact is that 30% of infertility cases are linked to only the male factor. Studies have revealed that acupuncture for men helps improve fertilization rates and semen quality for couples under fertility treatment.

Researchers reviewed four studies and deduced that acupuncture treatment might significantly enhance two critical semen parameters— semen concentration and semen motility. One study on whether acupuncture effectively improves sperm quality in subfertile men found that the treatment can help men suffering from infertility because of decreased sperm activity.

There are also studies on acupuncture's capability to assist infertile men whose ICSI (Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection) was unsuccessful. One study measured the acupuncture effects on 22 infertile men whose ICSI was unsuccessful. The participants underwent acupuncture treatment for eight weeks before undergoing ICSI treatment for the second time.

The study concluded that there was an increase in the fertilization rate and sperm ratio after acupuncture treatment. Researchers deduced that acupuncture treatment could improve fertilization rates and sperm quality when administered together with reproductive treatments.  

Enhancing Egg and Embryo Quality

Your eggs must be healthy to guarantee that your future baby will also be healthy. Studies have indicated that acupuncture treatment can enhance egg and embryo quality, resulting in higher chances of a successful pregnancy.

One study centered on acupuncture's effects on women diagnosed with cancer infertility and found that this treatment can assist in increasing the high-quality embryo and egg rates for women experiencing infertility problems and those suffering from energetic kidney deficiency.

Energetic kidney deficiency is a prevalent PCOS symptom that might be responsible for making women experience absent or irregular menstrual periods.

Acupuncture treatment for fertility can also help by:

  • Regulating the menstrual cycle
  • Reducing inflammation that could be the reason for infertility
  • Decreasing miscarriage chances
  • Normalizing endocrine systems and hormone production

When to Begin Acupuncture Treatment for Fertility

Acupuncture resembles physiotherapy since it is a process-oriented technique of medical intervention. Doing more sessions than less is better, so the earlier you start your treatment, the better for you. Studies have shown that acupuncture’s effectiveness increases with the number of sessions before fertility treatment.

Since eggs and sperm take about ninety days to develop, patients often undergo treatment for three or four months before proceeding to fertility treatment, such as IVF, donor egg transfer, or intrauterine insemination (IUI). The acupuncture treatment can then continue throughout the treatment the patient is pursuing. This spacing of therapy appears to be therapeutic. Studies recommend that women should undergo acupuncture treatment post- and pre-embryo transfer.

Various clinical observations recommend that highly effective fertility treatment options involve a combination of herbal medicine, traditional medicine, and acupuncture. However, conception sometimes occurs when herbal medicines and acupuncture are utilized without traditional medicine.

When to Stop

Generally, most miscarriages happen in the first trimester. As a result, treating patients may usually last through the twelfth week to assist in preventing miscarriage. Research has indicated that acupuncture treatment can contribute to beneficial hormonal responses with reduced miscarriage rates.

Infertility acupuncturists suggest that women should receive acupuncture therapy once a week for the first trimester. Studies have indicated that acupuncture treatment during pregnancy can help relieve discomfort without negatively affecting the delivery result. If you are experiencing lower back pains, pregnancy massages may be useful.

Apart from preventing miscarriage, acupuncture treatment can help the baby and mother during pregnancy. For the mother, it can assist in reducing nausea, stress, and other symptoms that manifest during pregnancy.

During pregnancy, nutrients and oxygen from the mother’s blood are carried across the placenta to the fetus. Because acupuncture also increases blood circulation, it can assist in providing the fetus with more nourishment. Studies have deduced that acupuncture treatment may encourage specific beneficial effects in early pregnancy.

Acupuncture Points Are Different After You Start Fertility Treatment (Donor-Egg Transfer, IVF, or Intrauterine Insemination)

An acupuncturist should not put the needles in the abdominopelvic area after transfer or insemination. There are six contraindicated acupuncture points that acupuncturists should avoid when the patient has conceived or is suspected to be pregnant. These include Bladder 67, Bladder 60, Spleen 6, Large Intestine 4, Stomach 12, Gallbladder 21, and any acupuncture points on the lower abdomen.

Acupuncture Treatment Safety

According to the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, acupuncture treatment is generally safe irrespective of a patient’s medical history, provided acupuncturists use sterile devices. The FDA (U.S Food and Drug Administration) classifies acupuncture needles as medical equipment. These regulations necessitate the needles to be nontoxic, sterile and marked for single use. If you are considering acupuncture treatment, you should go for a licensed acupuncturist who has undergone proper training.

Risks and Side Effects of Fertility Acupuncture

When conducted properly, acupuncture treatment for fertility has minimal risks and side effects. The risk of experiencing a miscarriage may increase if the acupuncturist uses incorrect acupuncture points during pregnancy. We also have the risk of the acupuncturist pushing a needle in too far, leading to an injury or a punctured lung. Other risks may include: 

  • Excessive bleeding if you use blood thinners or have a clotting disorder.
  • Infection from unsterilized needles.
  • Bruising or bleeding at the needle sites.

To minimize these risks, only an acupuncturist specializing in treating fertility disorders should attend to you if you choose to incorporate acupuncture in your fertility treatment regimen.

Typical Candidates for Acupuncture for Fertility

Acupuncture treatment can be an option for any fertility disorder, spasmed tubes included. Usually, spasmed tubes are de-spasmed using acupuncture, although blocked tubes do not respond to this treatment. Acupuncture is frequently combined with herbal medicines to treat:

  • Male factor infertility, including men suffering from sperm-DNA-fragmentation.
  • PCOS with anovulatory cycles.
  • Hyperprolactinemia (when a prolactinoma is not the cause).
  • Luteal phase defect.
  • Idiopathic (unexplained pregnancy).
  • Repeated pregnancy loss.
  • Elevated FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone).

What to Expect At Your First Visit to the Acupuncture

At your initial visit, your acupuncturist will inquire about your fertility concerns and lifestyle (sleep habits, exercise, stress levels, diet). They may also conduct an exam that may include observing your tongue and feeling your pulse. The next step will be to use acupuncture needles, which can last between 30 minutes and one hour.

Your practitioner will tailor acupuncture treatments to your specific condition, but they will likely suggest a treatment one-three times per week. Every session following the first session lasts for one hour— first, you will discuss with the acupuncturist to update them, then follows a needle session that may last between twenty and forty minutes. 

Many patients experience zero to little pain. Some may have a mild, dull pinch, ache, or shock sensation. Sometimes bruising occurs in the areas where the acupuncturist inserted the needles. Inform your acupuncturist if you are on blood thinners (anticoagulants) like aspirin. Since expert acupuncturists utilize disposable needles, there is a lower risk of infection.

Activities to Avoid After or Before Your Session

Although your specialist may advise you to follow a healthy lifestyle/diet, nothing is strictly prohibited. Acupuncture also helps with relaxation; thus, staying away from highly physical activities such as gym class or running immediately after your session may be helpful.

How To Tell If Acupuncture Will Help You

Acupuncture is an ideal treatment for fertility, but it cannot treat all fertility issues. In cases of a structural defect like a fibroid tumor or blocked fallopian tubes, acupuncture will not help you conceive. If you have a structural problem that needs to be corrected by traditional medicine, the earlier you discover that problem and seek the appropriate treatment, the highly likely you are to conceive.

Similarly, once you are past a specific age, acupuncture treatment will not increase the required hormones that the body is no longer producing. Consequently, many medical experts suggest that a patient has a basic fertility workup before trying acupuncture, especially if they are over or approaching 40 years.

Younger women (women in their mid or early 30s) may want to undergo acupuncture treatment first before resorting to expensive, invasive fertility treatment options. At times a few sessions of acupuncture treatment will be sufficient to assist in conceiving on your own.

If you seek acupuncture therapy, keep in mind that all protocols are different. There is significant variability in acupuncture, with different techniques and success depending on how much information the specialist knows regarding treating infertility.

Costs vary greatly, ranging from one thousand to several hundred dollars based on how many sessions you will take and the acupuncturist administering the treatment. And even though most insurance providers cover the acupuncture treatment cost, some do not do so when the treatment involves infertility. You should therefore check your insurance policy before you start treatment.

With this said, to assist you in choosing the professional that can effectively treat your infertility with acupuncture, follow these tips:

  • Even though acupuncture usually works perfectly with herbal medicine, do not take any herbs without your fertility specialist authorizing it if you are under IVF or any other traditional fertility treatment
  • If you are yet to start seeing a fertility specialist, visit an obstetrician at least once before seeking an acupuncturist’s help, and ensure the obstetrician knows your acupuncture treatment plan.
  • After reaching the implantation stage, you want to do a pregnancy test before proceeding with further acupuncture treatments if you are simultaneously under IVF and acupuncture treatments. If you are trying to conceive by yourself, you want to have an obstetrician verify your pregnancy as soon as possible. Some acupuncture points that increase fertility and stimulate the uterus can cause miscarriage. Therefore, your acupuncturist should be aware if you could be or are pregnant.
  • If you are under fertility treatment with a reproductive endocrinologist, ensure they are in a working relationship with your acupuncture specialist. Ensure they work harmoniously to come up with a treatment regimen.
  • Look for a specialist affiliated with a top-tier academic medical facility
  • Look for an adequately trained doctor licensed in acupuncture with a history of treating infertility. A medical doctor who merely practices acupuncture once in a while usually has just several hours of experience compared to several years of practice and training required for a traditional Chinese doctor

Find Acupuncture Services Near Me

If you are struggling to conceive, you could feel anxious or helpless, frustrated or stressed, and depressed. You might have sought help from different doctors or specialists only to suffer more when they fail to solve your fertility problems. You may feel that you have lost control over your health. In this situation, acupuncture treatment can help you regain control of your reproductive health.

At Trinity Acupuncture, we offer professional fertility acupuncture services for patients seeking them in Torrance, CA. With decades of service and experience, we have assisted thousands of patients through their fertility treatment journey, and they have managed to have babies.

With a rising number of acupuncturists identifying themselves as fertility specialists or experts, you may have difficulty finding the right practitioner. Our extensive experience in fertility matters is the primary reason our clients choose us. Our knowledge and experience concerning fertility have been valuable to them. We will use the best of high-tech and natural medicine to assist you in leading a healthier reproductive life. Call us at 310-371-1777 for a consultation.