Acupuncture is a Traditional Chinese medicine practiced for the last three millennia. Today, acupuncture is used to treat different ailments worldwide. Most people have acupuncture treatment to treat various medical conditions and, in some instances, to minimize the effects of treatment options like chemotherapy and radiotherapy. You can also have acupuncture treatment for pain relief.

You may wonder if acupuncture can help you treat cancer-related ailments and whether there is any research to back acupuncture treatment up. If these questions are plaguing your mind, worry no more, as this article will answer your questions.

Understanding How Acupuncture Works

The first step when seeking acupuncture treatment is understanding how it works. When you visit your acupuncturist, they will work towards restoring and balancing your body's life force. Under Traditional Chinese Medicine, your body's life force is known as chi or qi, and it flows throughout your body via channels known as meridians. An acupuncture session will help restore, balance, and unblock any blockages hindering the flow of qi energy In your body.

You may have blockages hindering your body's flow of life energy due to stress, unhealthy habits, or illnesses. A licensed and experienced acupuncturist will help restore your body's qi by inserting tiny needles on acupuncture points.

Studies have shown that acupuncture treatment helps treat various illnesses by stimulating acupuncture points along your body's meridians. In most cases, acupuncture treatment stimulates your nervous system resulting in immense pain relief and promoting your body's ability to heal naturally.

Your acupuncturist will use different acupuncture techniques to treat your illness. They may choose one of the following treatment options to address the issue:

  • Manual acupuncture needles stimulation.
  • Heat stimulation.
  • Electrical stimulation.

Understanding How Acupuncture Can Help In Cancer Treatment

Patients respond to cancer treatment in different ways. Sometimes depending on the treatment's effect on your living cells, your body will react differently. You may experience mild or severe side effects if the medicine affects your healthy cells.

Acupuncture treatment plays an integral part in cancer management. Integrative cancer treatment includes treatment options that center around your mind and body. During this treatment, your oncologist will consist of lifestyle change, and natural products, among other conventional treatment options.

Developing a way to manage the side effects of cancer treatments is crucial as it contributes significantly to your overall treatment. Your body will recover faster than expected if it does not have to fight severe side effects. When you manage the side effects through acupuncture, you can keep up with your cancer treatment schedule and have a quality life.

Recent studies show that acupuncture can effectively help treat cancer,  and you can also combine it with other treatment options. You must consult your doctor on the available treatment option that will go hand in hand with acupuncture. Acupuncture will help treat cancer by:

Treating Nausea After Chemotherapy and Surgery

After a chemotherapy session or surgery, you may experience nausea and feel like you will throw up. There is strong evidence showing that acupuncture helps in relieving the symptoms of cancer treatment, like nausea and even vomiting. Acupuncture works at restoring and balancing your body's life force, which will help your muscles relax. Once your muscles relax, your body can fight nausea and vomiting.

Acupuncture treatment is like a massage session, where the acupuncturist applies pressure on the acupuncture points. Once they apply pressure on the acupuncture points, your muscles will relax, thereby improving your blood flow.

Your acupuncturist will look for your pressure points, like on your wrist, and once they find the point, they will ask you to relax as they apply necessary pressure or insert tiny needles. Clinical trials show that cancer patients who seek acupuncture treatment do not suffer acute nausea and vomiting compared to those who do not seek acupuncture.

Managing Cancer Pain

In most cases, you will experience excruciating pain during and after cancer treatment. This pain can last long after your treatment, and you can use acupuncture to manage the pain.

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, you will experience pain when there are blockages to the flow of your body's life force. Acupuncture aims to balance the flow of energy in your body, which results in pain relief. Studies show that acupuncture helps in pain management by modulating the level of endorphins in the place you are experiencing pain.

You may experience instant pain relief after your sessions, but if you do not, it is okay as you will experience it after two to three sessions. You should consult with a qualified acupuncturist who will determine how many sessions you will require.

Managing Post Surgery pain

Acupuncture utilizes the concept that life energy flows throughout your body and that a disruption in this flow of energy will lead to blockages making the body unable to heal correctly. When you seek acupuncture to help alleviate postoperative pain, your practitioner will work to improve the quantity and quality of Qi energy in your body.

Increasing your Qi energy will result in a healthy body that works in harmony. Once your acupuncturist directs your body's energy flow, it will promote natural healing, which will go a long way in fighting cancer.

Your acupuncturist will use a combination of auricular and wrist-ankle acupuncture to help reduce your pain. They can also target other acupuncture points to help open any life energy flow blockages. Clinical trials conducted show that acupuncture helps in reducing postoperative pain. Studies show that when acupuncture was used with conventional medicine, patients received better pain relief.

Clinical trials conducted on patients who had biopsy and bone marrow aspiration showed that acupuncture helped to relieve pain and anxiety better.

Giving Instant Joint Pain Relief To Breast Cancer Survivors

You will realize that most cancer survivors, especially breast cancer survivors, experience excruciating joint pain after their therapies. This pain results from a patient's aromatase inhibitor drugs after the treatment.

Although your doctor will prescribe these medications to reduce the chances of cancer recurring, they have adverse side effects where you may experience joint pain. When you seek acupuncture treatment, your practitioner will look for acupuncture points near the joints.

They will then insert needles into the acupuncture points, and this will help alleviate your pain. Your body will release endorphins which are your body's natural pain killer enabling you to experience instant pain relief.

Management of Peripheral Neuropathy After Chemotherapy

One side effect of chemotherapy is experiencing peripheral neuropathy. With peripheral neuropathy, you will experience:

  • Muscle weakness.
  • Pain.
  • Sensory loss.
  • Paresthesia.

Some of these symptoms may make it challenging to continue with your treatment regime, which could be detrimental to your health. It will also affect the quality of your life, but with acupuncture, you can counter the side effects and lead an everyday life.

Acupuncture treatment aims at addressing cancer treatment symptoms. You may be suffering sensory loss due to your treatment, and acupuncture will promote your body's natural healing ability by stimulating your nervous system. Once it stimulates your CNS, your brain will release chemicals that promote natural body healing.

In most cases, the conventional way of dealing with peripheral neuropathy is by taking antidepressants and narcotics. These medications may relieve pain but leave you with other side effects like:

  • Dizziness.
  • Dry mouth.
  • Sedation.
  • Constitution.

Acupuncture ensures you fight peripheral neuropathy naturally without suffering side effects from antidepressants and other medications.

Managing Hot flashes

Cancer treatment involves hormone therapy, especially in the treatment of prostate cancer in men and breast cancer in women. Hormonal treatment will cause hot flashes, which could be uncomfortable.

Studies on breast and prostate cancer survivors showed a decrease in hot flashes. Your acupuncturist may use Electro acupuncture to set weak electrical current pulses on your body through tiny needles into your acupuncture points to help deal with hot flashes.

Helping You To Relax

Cancer treatment will take a lot from you, and you must be emotionally intense to complete the treatment regime. It would be best to relax to avoid being emotionally distraught, which could lead to fatigue.

Acupuncture relaxes your muscles and gives your body a chance to heal. When you imagine the acupuncturist inserting those tiny needles into your body, you will have to relax your muscles and concentrate on what is going on right then.

Concentrating on the acupuncture process will help you stop stressing, which will go a long way in relaxing you. You might even nod off during your acupuncture process.

Helping You In Fatigue Management

During cancer treatment, you may suffer from fatigue, a condition characterized by extreme tiredness and inability to function appropriately. Fatigue may result from radiation or chemotherapy. Acupuncture will help your brain to release serotonin, a chemical that will help improve your mood.

Increasing serotonin levels will improve your sleep patterns and benefit you as you wake up rejuvenated. Also, an increased level of serotonin after an acupuncture session ensures that your body has sufficient energy to overcome fatigue.

You can have acupuncture, where your practitioner will help relax and stimulate your muscles to help fight fatigue. When you seek acupuncture treatment to help fight fatigue and other symptoms accompanying cancer treatment, you should have an open mind and try various treatment options until you land one that works best.

Treating Dry Mouth After Radiation Therapy

Radiation therapy, in most cases, results in dry mouth as a side effect. A dry mouth usually occurs after radiation therapy in upper-throat cancer patients. Acupuncture will help your mouth to release more saliva.

Treatment of Lymphedema

Acupuncture improves your body's energy level and, at the same time, reduces pain in your legs and arms. These neurotransmitters will also help your muscles relax, significantly improving your condition. Once your acupuncturist inserts those tiny needles on your acupuncture points, your body will release neurotransmitters that help fight pain in your legs.

Treatment of Ileus

After surgery, most cancer patients have blockages in their intestines, a condition known as ileus. Acupuncture will help your brain to release serotonin, a chemical that will help your body to relax. Also, acupuncture helps with cardiovascular function, ensuring all parts of your body receive adequate oxygen. Your body will relax as sufficient oxygen will help in tension reduction. Since acupuncture increases and promotes energy flow throughout your body, it relaxes you. Smooth energy flow leaves no blockage, stress, or tension, which could tap you dry.

Help With Sleep Problems

Undertaking cancer treatment will take a toll on you, and you must have enough sleep and rest. Acupuncture can help if you are experiencing sleep problems. Since acupuncture helps fight depression and improves your mood, it makes sleeping easier.

Once your body releases serotonin after an acupuncture session, you can fight fatigue. If you were to use conventional medicine like narcotics, you would experience some side effects.

Seeking acupuncture treatment ensures that you receive treatment for your insomnia without the added side effects of narcotics and antidepressants. Antidepressants and drugs usually raise your body's serotonin levels to help in healing but have several side effects.

Acupuncture, on the other hand, promotes your body's natural healing process by increasing serotonin levels without any unpleasant side effects.

Acupuncture Helps In Cell Rejuvenation in Cancer Treatment

When you have an acupuncture session, it will help increase your blood flow. Increased blood flow means that all body parts will have sufficient oxygen levels. Adequate oxygen levels will aid in living cell rejuvenation, promoting faster recovery.

Once your body has sufficient oxygen, it will be in a position to fight cancer treatment symptoms.

Acupuncture will increase blood flow between various acupuncture points and stimulate your body, leading to a relaxed state of mind. An increase in oxygen levels in your body promotes healing and energizes you.

 Does Acupuncture Treatment Have Any Side Effects?

Acupuncture, like any other treatment option, has some side effects. However, its positive impact on your life will outweigh these side effects. Some side effects include:

  • Tiredness.
  • Infection on the acupuncture points.
  • Soreness.
  • Feeling sleepy.
  • Feeling lighthearted.

Your acupuncturist must use sterile needles during the procedure and dispose of these needles safely.

Seek An Experienced Torrance Acupuncturist Near Me

When you seek acupuncture treatment in Torrance, CA, to go hand in hand with your conventional cancer treatment, you must seek the services of a reputable acupuncturist. You can ask your oncologist for referrals or seek referrals from someone who has had acupuncture treatment. Also, you can visit the social media pages of acupuncturists in your area and check out their reviews.

Approach the acupuncturists and ask the questions you may have, and follow the advice given. You will need an acupuncturist who understands your pain and will help you relieve the post-treatment pain. At Trinity Acupuncture, we listen to you and develop a treatment plan to cater to your health needs. Call us at 310-371-1777, and we will review your case and schedule your treatment.