Have you ever noticed a person with small round spots on their back or elsewhere? These marks result from cupping. Cupping therapy has become popular due to its health benefits. But what is this therapy? This blog will help you learn more about cupping and why you may want to consider it.

What is Cupping?

Cupping therapy is a traditional alternative medicine that entails putting special cups onto the skin for a few minutes to suction. The suction is believed to facilitate healing and enhance energy flow throughout the body.

Cupping therapy is a type of Middle Eastern and traditional Chinese medicine. People have practiced it for thousands of years.

The proponents of cupping therapy believe that suction facilitates the flow of 'qi' through the body. Qi is a Chinese term that means life force. Most of them believe cupping assists in balancing the positive and negative, or yin and yang in the body. Maintaining the balance between yin and yang is believed to help the body resist pathogens, reduce pain, and increase blood circulation.

Cupping therapy enhances blood flow to areas where the special cups are put. This relieves muscle tension, promoting cell repair and improving general blood flow. Additionally, it may help create new connective tissue and blood vessels.

Cupping Is Scientifically Proven

Several studies have been conducted into why and how cupping therapy may work and whether it is effective.

A review of research conducted in 2018 mentioned that cupping has recorded benefits for different conditions that could be classified as systemic or localized diseases. Cupping therapy is believed to relieve symptoms by improving immunity and enhancing peripheral blood circulation. Per the review, the cupping therapy effects include:

  • Enhancing blood flow of the skin

  • Changing the biochemical properties of the skin

  • Enhancing local anaerobic metabolism

  • Relieving inflammation

  • Promoting pain thresholds

  • Boosting the immunity of the cells

Per a study conducted in 2017, the cupping therapy's mechanical effect stretches underlying tissues and enhances local blood circulation.

Activating the Heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) gene can account for several of the cupping’s claimed systemic and local health benefits. HO-1 plays an essential role in preventing vascular inflammation.

A study conducted in 2019 stated that no theory exists that explains all the cupping therapy effects, although some theories are:

  • Altering the molecular function and structure of hemoglobin

  • Decreasing both cholesterol types and uric acid

  • Increasing lymph flow in the lymphatic system

  • Increasing the immune products’ level. These products include tumor necrosis factor and interferon

  • Immune system stimulation using artificial local inflammation

  • Stimulating enhanced blood circulation by releasing nitric oxide

  • Using pain or counter-irritation to alleviate pain

  • Altering the processing of pain signal

Despite the numerous theories, further quality studies are required to substantiate the cupping therapy effects and how they might or might not promote healing.

There Are Several Kinds of Cupping Therapy

Initially, cupping therapy was likely done with animal horns. Then later, special cups were formed from bamboo, then ceramic material.

Suction was generally created using heat. Initially, cups were heated using a fire source and then placed on the skin. And as the cups cooled off, they sucked the skin in.

Modern-day cupping therapy is usually done with bell-shaped cups made of glass. The cups can also be silicone or plastic-made, while some practitioners use rubber pumps instead of cups.

We have four primary types of cupping therapy conducted today. These are:

  • Bleeding/wet cupping— This cupping therapy involves suction and regulated medicinal bleeding.

  • Dry cupping— this form of therapy involves only a suction.

  • Flash cupping— this kind of cupping involves fast, repeated cup suction and release on a body area.

  • Running cupping— this form of cupping therapy involves moving suction cups around a body area after applying oil to massage the targeted region.

Cupping can also be done using:

  • Acupuncture needles

  • Herbs

  • Water

  • Electrical stimulation

  • Laser therapy

  • Magnets

  • Moxibustion or burning mugwort leaves

Subcategories of cupping therapy include:

  • Aquatic cupping

  • Orthopedic cupping

  • Sports cupping

  • Facial cupping

Your healthcare provider, preferences, and medical needs will assist you in determining what method to use.

Cupping is, at times, done with acupuncture. For the best outcome, you may want to eat light meals or false two to three hours before you undergo your session. Expect this to take place during your session:

  • Your doctor will need to know what symptoms you have been having, possibly taking a comprehensive medical history if it is your time to see them

  • The doctor will position cups onto your skin

  • You will feel pressure and a sucking sensation as the doctor suctions the cups

  • Based on the form of cupping, your doctor may allow you some time to rest before returning to take off the cups

  • Once you are done with the session, your skin might become red and exhibit slight bruising

Cups are usually placed on the chest, back, buttocks, abdomen, or legs. The back is generally the most prevalent place where cups are placed. If you wish to undergo cosmetic or facial cupping, the doctor will place the cups on your face.

How the Suction Works

The doctor often heats the cup with a fire source using paper, herbs, or alcohol they place directly in the cup. They then remove the fire and place the hot cup with the open end directly on your skin. Once the doctor sets the heated cup, the air in it cools and forms a vacuum that raises the muscles and skin up in the cup. The skin might become red as blood vessels react to the changes in pressure.

Cupping Is Neither Complicated Nor Painful

If it is dry cupping, the doctor keeps the cup on your skin for a specified period, usually between five and ten minutes. With bleeding/wet cupping, the doctor makes a tiny cut to extract blood before deliberately drawing stagnant blood from the incision using the cup suction. Running cupping often involves applying oil before using suction. The cups are then glided around the region, generating a massage-resembling effect.

Based on the type of services you wish to receive, your cupping sessions may last between ten and sixty minutes. For flash cupping therapy, the doctor quickly suctions the cups and then releases them, often in the same body area. This is generally a five to ten-minute process too. Any marks or discoloration from cupping disappear within seven days after the session.

Cupping therapy is a very relaxing and generally not painful process. The sensation you experience is a pulling of the skin as the doctor moves the cup in a rolling fashion. You will usually experience a feeling of warmth or redness after the doctor releases the cup because of increased blood circulation to the area.

Why You Should Consider Cupping

There are several reasons why you should consider cupping:

Cupping Can Aid Digestion By Clearing Colon Blockages

Cupping assists in engaging the parasympathomimetic nervous system, increasing blood circulation to the digestive tract. Gentle cupping over the abdomen will also stimulate the inner parts of the digestive organs. It will help in peristalsis (contractions that push food through the digestive tract), clearing colon blockages, encouraging body fluid and blood to flow through body organs, and relieving indigestion.

Cupping Can Help Cure Asthma and Clear Congestion

Cupping therapy can cure congestion (the accumulation of phlegm or fluid in your lungs) resulting from bronchitis, asthma, or cold. The suction breaks up and eliminates congestion. It then brings lymph and blood rich in oxygen to the lungs and other respiratory muscles. Usually, cups are positioned on your back. However, they may also be put on the chest. Your healthcare provider may glide the cups gently and upward to encourage the lymph fluid movement, or they may leave them in place. Facial cupping may also be done to unblock sinuses.

Cupping Removes Toxins

According to different studies, cupping may eliminate toxins through systemic and local immune response stimulation.

It can also remove uric acid. Uric acid is a natural waste product from the digestion of given foods. Its buildup can result in high acidity levels in the urine and blood.

Cupping can also positively affect the lymphatic system, which is partly responsible for removing waste from the body.

Fluid buildup can occur when lymph flow is interrupted, preventing the body from properly removing toxins. Lymphatic drainage massage is one solution to this problem. Similarly, cupping therapy may help enhance lymph flow and stop fluid accumulation. The proof of cupping's capability to eliminate toxins is compelling, although more studies must be conducted to confirm it.

Cupping Therapy Can Improve Spider Veins and Varicose Veins

The varicose veins are the bluish, bulging veins underneath your skin, often on your feet and legs. They occur when valves in the vein are not functioning correctly— they do not effectively push blood from the muscles back to the heart, so the blood congests and the veins bulge and twist. Cupping therapy helps as it brings fresh oxygen and blood flow back to the affected areas. You will notice that your varicose veins will appear lighter at the end of the first session, although it takes several cupping therapy sessions for a long-lasting outcome. Note that medical practitioners only recommend dry cupping for varicose vein treatment. Wet cupping is not an option.

Cupping Therapy Can Reduce Scars and Stretch Marks

Increased blood circulation enables the body to remove toxins and restore lymphatic circulation. It also assists in eliminating excess fluid (edema), which aids in reducing the occurrence of scarring. Research has shown the positive effect of cupping on scars and stretch marks even in far parts from where the cups have been placed.

You Can Manage Your Anxiety Through Cupping

When your medical practitioner slides the cups across your skin, the parasympathetic nervous system engages, promoting deep relaxation to move through your whole body. The parasympathetic nervous system's functions include helping digestion, slowing the heart rate, and increasing gland and intestinal activity.

Cupping Enhances Circulation

Research has noted that suction enhances blood circulation around the place where the cups are placed. Increased blood circulation can help encourage cell repair and ease muscle tension. Increasing blood circulation through cupping also assists in reducing the occurrence of cellulite.

Cupping Helps In Sports Recovery

A 2017 study states that professional athletes are increasingly opting for cupping as part of their recovery practices. But this research did not find any consistent proof to indicate that cupping therapy was effective for anything related to sports recovery. The researchers did not give any recommendations against or for the practice, saying further studies were necessary.

Cupping Helps Keep the Skin Healthy

Usually, your skin health directly mirrors what is occurring in your body. Cupping promotes blood flow to the skin, thereby increasing oxygen supply and the supply of essential nutrients needed for healthy skin. Cupping is also valuable for lowering the reappearance of acne and other skin diseases such as eczema. It can also help expand blood vessels to encourage blood circulation and remove toxic matter from the skin surface.

Cupping Can Help You Eliminate Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

The modern world is fast-paced, and there is no or little time for rejuvenation and rest. Even if we find the time to rest physically, we are mentally loaded with digital distractions such as laptops and smartphones.

All this can result in chronic fatigue syndrome, a long-lasting kind of fatigue. Cupping can effectively treat this condition.

You Can Undergo Cupping If You Are Looking for a Faster Way to Relieve Pain

Cupping therapy can help relieve lower back pains, pain caused by arthritis, et cetera. Cupping can also effectively treat other pains, including sciatica, headache, muscle pain, dental pain, and migraine. With arthritis, cupping therapy is performed on the affected joints. Cupping enhances mobility and blood flow. Thus, it is effective for treating conditions such as stiff shoulders and neck, lumbago, and rheumatism.

Find Reliable Torrance Acupuncturist

Are you wondering if you can try cupping therapy or if it could be effective for you? Or are you looking for expert cupping services in Torrance, CA? Call us at Trinity Acupuncture for inquiries and further information. There are many reasons why you would want to try out cupping. Plus, our therapists are trained and certified in effective and safe cupping techniques, which only means we will give you the best experience. You could opt to undergo cupping only or incorporate cupping into your therapeutic massage. Call us at 310-371-1777 to set up an appointment.