Acupuncture is an ancient approach to alternative medicine used to treat a wide range of medical conditions. It is performed by a trained acupuncturist, who uses needles to trigger treatment on specific points on a person's body. It is also proven very effective in fertility treatment for women and men. For instance, Acupuncture can enhance ovary function and sperm quality and also harmonize hormones to restore fertility.

Though it was first practiced in China, acupuncture is now used worldwide. If you experience infertility, you can pair it with modern medicine for improved benefits. It will reduce your stress, promote blood flow to the ovaries and uterus, improve the quality of your sperm and manage any hormonal abnormalities you could be experiencing. Contact a holistic healing clinic near you for more information and help with infertility treatment with Acupuncture.

Infertility Issues and Their Causes

Infertility is a person's inability to reproduce. It affects both women and men. Most people are born with normal fertility, including a man's ability to produce sufficient healthy sperm and a woman's ability to produce quality eggs. The male sperms in normal fertility can swim through the proper channels to the woman's fallopian tubes, penetrate a healthy ovum, and fertilize it. The fertilized ovum is then implanted into the lining of a female uterus, where it grows into a fetus. Infertility could result from a problem in any of those phases.

For most people, fertility does not occur naturally. Some couples wait months or even years to conceive, even with everyday sex life. A couple's inability to have a child naturally could result from several issues that a reproductive health specialist must diagnose and recommend treatment for. You are considered infertile if you have tried to conceive naturally for one year without success. Since infertility is a problem that affects both genders, a couple can together take measures to boost their fertility.

Remember that fertility problems in women could be caused by problems in their fallopian tubes, ovaries, or the uterus. In men, it could result from a problem in their vas deferens, testes, seminal vesicles, or prostate gland. Proper diagnosis is required before you can begin the treatment journey.

But how do you know you have a fertility problem?

If you are an adult and desire to be a parent, it is crucial to determine your fertility when you are ready to have a child. That helps you to plan well in case you have health problems.

Most couples develop concerns about their fertility after years of trying to conceive naturally without much success. Some people do not experience any signs at all. But there could be tell-tale signs if you are keen enough, like:

  • You are over 35 and have been trying to conceive naturally for over six months without success
  • You are younger than 35 and have been trying to conceive naturally for over one year without success
  • You have lost more than one pregnancy in succession
  • You have infertility risk factors like you are obese, underweight, or you use alcohol or tobacco

For some people, infertility showcases clear signs, like the following:

  • Irregular menstrual periods
  • Unusual menstrual cramps accompanied by heavy or light bleeding
  • Unusual menstrual bleeding
  • Discomfort or pelvic pain during sexual activities
  • Sexual dysfunction, like experiencing low libido or erectile dysfunction

Acupuncture and Infertility

If you experience any of the signs above and are worried that you will never be a parent, it could be time to get a diagnosis. Proper diagnosis by a fertility healthcare professional will put your mind at ease and give you hope in achieving your dream of having a child someday. Fortunately for you, most infertility problems are treatable. Thus, it is only a matter of time before you and your partner conceive.

Once the diagnosis is out, you can try any proven treatment methods to treat the underlying problem or boost your fertility. When it comes to reproductive health, natural treatment methods are more highly recommended than medicines. Some medicines have serious side effects that could affect you or your unborn child. That is why acupuncture is recommended for infertility.

Treatment with acupuncture involves penetrating the human skin with thin, metallic needles that are then gently activated through specific movements by a specialist's hands and sometimes with electrical stimulation. The goal is to stimulate the central nervous system and promote blood flow in the treatment part. When your central nervous system is triggered, it releases chemicals into the spinal cord, muscles, and brain. The resulting biochemical changes stimulate a body's natural ability to heal, eventually promoting your emotional and physical well-being.

Acupuncture is very effective in treating various conditions, including thyroid problems. It could regulate hormones and restore the balance in your endocrine system to boost your fertility. Acupuncture effectively treats fibroids, PCOS, endometriosis, reduced ovarian reserve, poor sperm quality, and low sperm count. All these are issues associated with infertility.

Fertility medicines that have been in use for years have serious side effects. Others do not work at all, even after years of trying. People are slowly drifting back to natural treatment methods that are more effective and have minimal side effects. Unlike modern fertility medicines, acupuncture does not leave you feeling nauseous, bloated, or with fluctuating moods. These are issues that acupuncture treats. Thus, every treatment session leaves you with improved overall well-being.

Infertility is a significant issue for most couples today. It brings stress and tension to families. Modern fertility treatment adds more stress to what you are already experiencing. Adding medicine, surgeries, injections, planned visits to the doctor, high costs, and hope that this treatment will work could be more stressful for you and your family. It helps to try a different approach, one that is less stressful but effective. Adding more stress to what you already experience will affect how your body reacts to medical treatment.

The Effectiveness of Acupuncture in Fertility Treatment

Acupuncture is a very effective and safe natural treatment. It involves inserting minor, thin needle-like metals into specific body parts to stimulate the nerve endings right below your skin surface. The treatment point on your body is called the acupuncture point. It depends on the exact location of the problem you are experiencing or the part of your body that requires healing. The various acupuncture points in your body correspond to the different organs in your body. The acupuncturist will manipulate the tiny needles during the treatment process in a particular manner to elicit some response from your body.

Regarding fertility treatment, the acupuncturist will insert tiny needles into the acupuncture points related to your central nervous system and reproductive organs. The aim is to promote blood flow to the ovaries (for female patients). Blood flow will inhibit the sympathetic nervous system, usually triggered by stress and related illnesses. When you experience stress, your body automatically activates this sympathetic nervous system for a flight or fight response. That could disrupt the functioning of the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis, your main endocrine glands connected to reproductive health.

Stress causes constriction to a female's ovarian arteries, which reduces blood flow to the ovaries. It could be the reason why you are having a hard time conceiving naturally.

Acupuncture could also enhance the thickness of your endometrial lining or the lining of your uterus to help with implantation and improve blood flow to that part.

Let us look at some of the benefits you could receive from acupuncture treatment for fertility:

Acupuncture Balances Hormone Levels for Men and Women

Hormones are essential as they regulate several of your body's activities. They regulate metabolism, growth, sex drive, and sexual function. Simply put, hormones let your body know what to do at any given time to function smoothly.

For instance, the pituitary gland secretes two essential hormones, the luteinizing hormone, and the follicle-stimulating hormone. They play an important role in reproduction. The follicle-stimulating hormone is responsible for signaling the ovaries to mature an ovum. Luteinizing hormone triggers ovulation.

The body must produce the required hormones at the needed levels for them to function well. Hormonal imbalance occurs when the necessary hormones are inadequate or in excess. If your reproductive hormones are imbalanced, they are bound to affect your fertility.

Acupuncture balances your hormones to create harmony in your body and restore normal functioning.

Acupuncture Regulates a Woman's Menstrual Cycle

An irregular menstrual cycle could result from several factors, including excessive exercise, certain types of medicine, high or low body weight, and not consuming enough calories. Imbalanced hormones could also cause irregularities in your menstrual cycle. Acupuncture can enhance communication between your ovaries and brain to promote a regular production of hormones and ovulation. That could make it possible for you to conceive naturally.

Acupuncture Enhances Blood Flow to Ovaries and Uterus

Your blood carries oxygen to various parts of your body. Oxygen-rich blood will likely improve the health and quality of your eggs. If your fertility problems are due to low-quality eggs, then acupuncture can treat that. Acupuncture stimulates blood flow to various body parts, especially the treatment or acupuncture point. When treatment targets your reproductive organs, you can conceive naturally sooner than later.

Acupuncture Promotes Relaxation, Reduces Anxiety and Stress

Anxiety and stress are issues for most couples trying to have a baby. Stress makes it even more difficult to conceive naturally.

Acupuncture promotes total relaxation, calming you down and allowing your body to work as naturally as possible.

When a person is stressed, their body produces a stress hormone called cortisol, which negatively impacts the production of reproductive hormones. Uncontrolled stress and anxiety affect your ovulation and menstrual cycle in women. It could also affect the quality of male sperm or reduce testosterone production.

Acupuncture also optimizes sperm health by improving sperm motility and count.

What To Expect During Acupuncture Treatment

If you have been diagnosed with infertility and are ready for your first acupuncture treatment, the first step would be to identify and contact an experienced acupuncturist. Book your first visit, and prepare to learn as much as possible before starting treatment.

During your first visit, the acupuncturist will ask you several questions about any health issues you could be experiencing, your lifestyle, and all the fertility concerns you have. It is vital to provide as much information as you can to ensure that the acupuncturist designs an excellent and effective treatment plan for you. The acupuncturist could also recommend some tests, and examine your body, to gather enough information about your health.

When you are ready for your first treatment session, the acupuncturist will use needles on an acupuncture point in your body that will likely trigger your reproductive organs. Treatment sessions last for about 30 minutes. The number of sessions you are expected to attend depends on your personal preference, medical history, response to the treatment, and individual needs. You could require between ten to twelve sessions and one to three sessions weekly.

The most significant concern for most people is that the needles will hurt in the end. The truth is that you experience minimal to zero pain with Acupuncture. It is a natural treatment method that should not harm your body. Some people experience a mild ache or shock sensation that clears away very quickly. Occasionally, you could have minimal bruises on the acupuncture point, but that too clears quickly. Remember that acupuncturists use disposable needles. Therefore, the risk of infections is minimal.

Find an Experienced Acupuncturist Near Me

Are you having fertility issues and want to try acupuncture treatment in Torrance, CA?

You could partner with the best holistic healing clinic offering acupuncture for improved fertility and overall well-being. Our acupuncturists at Trinity Acupuncture are highly trained, experienced, and ready to walk the healing journey with you. We strive to provide the most effective care and treatment to our patients according to their individual needs. Call us at 310-371-1777 to book an appointment with us, and let us help you achieve your health goals.