Digestive disorders are common in the United States, affecting 60 million to 70 million persons and causing 4.6 million hospitalizations and 236,000 deaths. More often than not, the conditions are debilitating and painful. Also, patients in Torrance have tried prescription medication, over-the-counter drugs, and specialists, but the process can be a vicious cycle of discontent.

Have you contemplated a natural, holistic, and safe treatment to boost your gut health? If so, acupuncture is a type of therapy worth exploring. It can treat numerous health conditions, including your digestive system. Please continue reading this article to learn more.

What is Acupuncture and How It Works

Acupuncture involves inserting thin needles through the skin at strategic body points. Conventional Chinese medicine explains acupuncture as a method that balances the life force or the flow of energy through the body meridians. A meridian is a pathway that connects the acupuncture points in your body. Inserting needles into specific points along the meridians causes the energy flow to rebalance.

On the other hand, most Western health care providers view the acupuncture points as areas that stimulate muscles, connective tissues, and nerves. Some medics believe the stimulation boosts the body’s natural painkillers.

Much research about the effectiveness of acupuncture has been conducted, most of which holds great promise for patients with digestive conditions.

Acupuncture Treats Holistically

Acupuncture focuses on the root cause of your digestive issue; it is a long-lasting treatment instead of addressing the symptoms of your condition. The multi-modal and holistic approach integrates herbal medicine, yielding the best outcome.

A typical treatment course can begin with four to six weeks of treatment combined with herbal medicine to take at home. Most ingredients include things you have probably used in your recipes, like organic cumin and organic cardamom.

Patients treated by a skilled acupuncturist will also notice changes in their psyche. Your body and mind are closely related.

Acupuncture for Bloating

Abdominal bloating happens when gas builds up in your gastrointestinal tract, filling your intestines or stomach with air. It can cause your belly area to swell and distend. It can result in a swollen belly, sharp pain in your abdomen, nausea, a strong urge to go to the washroom, nausea, and belching.

Some of the causes of bloating include:

  • Functional gastrointestinal disorders like dyspepsia and irritable bowel syndrome
  • Menstrual period
  • Female reproductive health conditions like polycystic ovarian syndrome, fibroids, and endometriosis
  • Depression and feelings of anxiety

Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) uses a multidisciplinary approach when treating digestive issues, emotional upsets, and hormonal imbalances that cause bloating. Your qualified acupuncturist can study your tongue appearance, feel your purse, and ask you questions about when and how your symptoms happen to learn the pattern of the imbalance.

Your acupuncture treatment will be based on the cause of gastric distress. If, for instance, a mental health condition causes bloating, the acupuncturist will add specific points to relieve anxiety. Then the specialist will give you instructions on how to optimize nutrition to lower bloating.

Relief for Constipation With Acupuncture

Constipation is a challenging and persistent digestive health condition for some patients, especially the elderly. When a person has less than three bowel movements in a week without medication or an underlying condition as the cause for the infrequency, the problem is called chronic severe functional constipation.

Typically, patients experience poor peristaltic movements that slow down the stool, lengthen the retention time, and harden stool due to excess water absorption. Pushing or straining during the bowel movement can result in cerebral vascular flow and coronary changes, causing the development of cerebral vascular damage, angina, hypertension, acute myocardial infarction, or arrhythmias.

Studies Support Acupuncture As an Effective Solution for Constipation

According to a study coordinated by Dr. Jia Liu of the China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences in Beijing, electroacupuncture has sustained effects on constipation patients. The study consisted of 1,075 participants. Half of the patients received electro acupuncture with needles that pierced the muscle layer of their abdominal wall. The remaining half (control group) received sham treatments with shallow needles at points not considered therapeutic in acupuncture. The therapy involved twenty-eight 30 minutes sessions.

Over the treatment duration, 31% of patients receiving actual treatment had more than three bowel movements in a week. Only 12% of participants in the control group attained this degree of relief. Typically, three bowel movements every day to three weekly are within the normal range.

Acupuncture Relieves Irritable Bowel Syndrome Symptoms

IBS is a gastrointestinal health condition with symptoms like:

  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea
  • Mucus in stool
  • Bloating
  • Enlarged stomach
  • Gas
  • Cramping or stomach pain

Alleviating the above symptoms using TCM has been the focus of most studies.

For instance, a study involving 230 participants discovered a slight variation in symptoms between the subjects who had acupuncture treatment and those who received sham acupuncture (placebo) treatment. However, participants in these groups had more symptom relief than those in the control group who did not have needling. The placebo effect caused a positive impact.

A meta-analysis of six random, placebo-controlled clinical trials discovered mixed results. Nevertheless, the involved scientists reported that acupuncture could substantially boost the quality of life for IBS patients.

Another study that compared conventional western medication to acupuncture discovered that acupuncture was more effective at alleviating symptoms like pain, stool abnormality, stool output, bloating, and diarrhea.

Acid Reflux Treatment

Also referred to as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), acid reflux happens when the valve between the stomach and esophagus fails to function effectively. When this valve malfunctions, stomach acid and food travel back up the esophagus, causing a burning sensation.

Other GERD symptoms include sore taste in the mouth’s back, asthma symptoms, challenges swallowing, dry cough, and sore throat. You should seek immediate medical attention if these symptoms make you uncomfortable. If left untreated, acid reflux can result in esophageal cancer, damage, or bleeding.

Although acupuncture has been used for many years, only recently are there clinical trials studying the effectiveness of acupuncture for acid reflux.

One study discovered that TCM considerably reduced the GERD symptoms.

Another research discovered that needleless electroacupuncture lowered acid reflux and increased lower esophageal sphincter (LES) pressure. Electroacupuncture (EA) uses electronic current together with the needles. The integration of proton pump inhibitors and EA lead to significant improvement.

Some of the herbal formulations and herbs that can help with acid reflux include:

  • Gan Cao (licorice root) that soothes your esophagus with mucus (the mucus contributes to cellular healing of the esophageal lining)
  • Green tea stimulates the LES and stops stomach acid from refluxing back to your esophagus.
  • Liu jun zi tang calms the stomach and expels excess dampness

The best thing about traditional Chinese medicine is that your acupuncturist can customize it depending on your needs.

Acupuncture for Crohn’s Disease

Also referred to as regional enteritis, Crohn’s disease is an inflammatory condition of the intestine affecting the gastrointestinal tract that runs from the mouth to the anus. Common symptoms of the condition include:

  • Weight loss
  • Mouth ulcers
  • Eye disorders
  • Loss of appetite
  • Dermatological disorders
  • Fatigue
  • Anemia (iron deficiency)
  • Abdominal bloating
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Watery diarrhea

Crohn’s disease is an autoimmune system condition whose risk factors include:

  • Smoking
  • Genes
  • Environmental factors
  • Eating diets high in saturated fat and sugar but low in vegetables and fruits
  • Urban living
  • Low exposure to sunlight

So far, there is no cure for the conditions. Medical doctors control the symptoms by recommending dietary and lifestyle changes alongside pharmaceutical medication.

Acupuncture is a complementary treatment approach to this autoimmune disease. In other words, the method does not cure the condition. Instead, it works together with other medical treatments in symptom management.

Additionally, some acupuncturists perform electroacupuncture, where they insert two (2) needles and use mild electric currents that stimulate the patient’s body response.

Discussed below are the acupuncture benefits for the patients:

Reduces Crohn’s Symptoms

A study conducted in 2014 evaluated the advantages of moxibustion and acupuncture on Crohn’s disease patients and discovered that three weeks of treatment thrice per week lowered the condition’s symptoms. The researchers conducted participants in the treatment group who testified reduced disease activity scores and higher quality of life scores. After twelve weeks of acupuncture and moxibustion treatment, 74 percent of the patients were in remission of the symptoms. On the other hand, only 36 percent of the persons in the control group were in remission and still experienced symptoms.

Gengqing Song et al. conducted a review in 2019. The animal review research discovered that acupuncture reduces weight loss, diarrhea, and inflammation signs in the blood. These are symptoms of Crohn’s disease. Nonetheless, animal research results cannot carry over to people, so it can be challenging for the researchers to evaluate.


Facilitating Brain-Gut Function

According to research conducted in 2017, researchers found that Crohn’s disease patients who received three electro acupuncture sessions weekly for twelve weeks experienced brain changes that reduce stress, emotional perceptions, and pain.

The researchers discovered that electroacupuncture affected the homeostatic processing network in the brain. The brain area regulates visceral pain, including stomach pain. They also found that electroacupuncture can assist Crohn’s disease patients to attain a balance between their gut and brain.

Mental Health Advantages

Crohn’s disease patients are at an increased risk of experiencing depression.

In other words, increased levels of anxiety and depression can increase the patient’s health condition activity, worsening the symptoms. According to a case study conducted on a 53-year-old woman with more than 23 years of history of the condition, the symptoms flare up less after stressful situations.

While acupuncturists have used techniques to treat anxiety and depression, there exist no clinical trials on how acupuncture affects Crohn’s disease patients’ mental wellbeing.

Despite that, a meta-analysis was conducted in 2020 to investigate the safety and effectiveness of acupuncture on depression. While the researchers indicated that more studies are required, the technique looks more effective than taking antidepressants.

Acupuncture Can Relieve Gastritis

Researchers from Chenzhou First People’s Hospital investigated the efficacy of ranitidine and acupuncture for chronic gastritis treatment. Gastritis is a digestive disease characterized by stomach lining inflammation. The condition causes indigestion with burning abdominal pain, vomiting, nausea, tarry stools, hiccups, and bloating.

The scientists compared two groups of gastritis patients in a clinical trial. The first group received ranitidine twice a day. Ranitidine reduces the production of stomach acid and is used to prevent intestines and stomach ulcers.

The other group received acupuncture. The treatment was applied once a day for ten days, followed by a one-day break. Then the researchers repeated the process for 20 treatments.

The research revealed that acupuncture is more effective than ranitidine for eliminating or lowering inflammation and gastric mucosal lesions.

Acupuncture and ranitidine had an efficacy rate of 96.4% and 69.9%, respectively.

Acupuncture for Hemorrhoids

Do you bleed or experience discomfort, itching, or burning after a bowel movement? Hemorrhoid pain happens when blood vessels around the rectum swell. Some patients do not experience pain but see blood in the toilet bowl or feel a swollen tissue or lump when they touch the area.

Blood vessels and tissues around your anal area can become inflamed, irritated, and weak. Most expectant mothers experience hemorrhoids due to the intense pressure on their perineal area. Other causes of the condition include:

  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea
  • Sitting for long on the toilet without progress
  • Absence of dietary fiber
  • Aging
  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • Staining while on the toilet

Most patients suffer quietly, waiting for the condition to go away on its own. They consider medical attention after experiencing bleeding and severe pain. Acupuncture can heal hemorrhoids quickly and lower the chance of reoccurrence.

According to TCM philosophy, hemorrhoids can be associated with dampness or heat build-up in your lower abdominal area. The dampness and heat cause your blood vessels to swell.

If you are worried about the acupuncture expert inserting needles in a private area, that is not the case. The Du Mai meridian is the channel running from your rectum along your spine to the mouth’s top that controls Yang energy throughout your body. Your acupuncturist will use points along the meridian to draw excess dampness and heat away from where the hemorrhoids are.

If you have spleen Qi deficiency (you will have gas, poor digestion, experience bloating, diarrhea, and visit the washroom often), your hemorrhoids will feel swollen. In this case, your skilled acupuncturist will work on your stomach point 36, spleen 8 in your spleen’s middle to assist digestion.

Additionally, the professional will recommend changes in your bathroom habits and diet.

Find a Qualified Acupuncture Practitioner Near Me

You will probably struggle with a digestive issue at some point. It can be due to poor lifestyle habits or dietary choices. According to TCM theory, an imbalance in the energetic relationship of digestive organs cause digestive diseases.

Trinity Acupuncture has practiced acupuncture for many years and has treated hundreds of patients in Torrance. Our TCM diagnosis involves examining your tongue and asking questions about your health history, symptoms, and dietary habits. Our treatment plan can include methods of reducing food accumulation, draining dampness, and boosting the physiological function of your organ. Our treatment can also incorporate herbal formulation to treat your condition’s root cause and harmonize its function. If you have a digestive issue, please contact us at 310-371-1777 to learn how we can help you.