According to medical professionals, infertility is the inability to conceive when a couple actively engages in unprotected sex without becoming pregnant for twelve months. Also, a woman who never keeps a pregnancy to birth may be considered infertile. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) statistics, around 12% of women aged 15 to 44 have infertility. The male and female factor is critical in the 35% of couples dealing with infertility.

Many women with infertility opt for modern science treatments like In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) and Intrauterine Insemination (IUI). However, despite these advanced infertility treatment options, couples opt for traditional and holistic alternatives for their condition. An excellent example of the treatment is the conventional Chinese medicine called acupuncture. This blog discusses the history of acupuncture, how it works to increase conception chances, its safety, risks, and side effects.

The Development and History of Acupuncture

Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese medicine that dates back to the Stone Age, 3,000 years ago. The treatment relied on sharp-edged tools to puncture the skin and drain blood. The classical acupuncture needles included Spoon, Long, Shear, Big, Stiletto, Round-Sharp, Round-Pointed, and Filiform, made of gold, silver, or bronze. In the modern-day, physicians practicing acupuncture use stainless steel Filiform needles.

Acupuncture was introduced by physicians in the United States in the 1800s but gained public interest around 19671. In 1997, the National Institutes of Health Census Statement recommended acupuncture to manage pain after surgery, vomiting, and nausea. From then, the treatment gained popularity, compelling many medical researchers to dig deeper for other potentials of the treatment.

Today, physicians place tiny needles in energy points, and the stimulations create a spiritual, emotional, and bodily balance. When it comes to treating infertility, these tiny needles improve body functionality, enhancing the efficacy of modern reproductive medicine.

The efficiency of acupuncture in complementing modern infertility treatment was supported by research published in an April 2002 reproductive journal called Fertility and Sterility. As per the journal, German researchers discovered that including acupuncture in the conventional IVF increased the chances of conception or pregnancy.

The research was conducted on 160 women. Half of these women received two twenty-five-minute acupuncture sessions, one before implantation of the embryo into the uterus and the other after the implantation. The other half of the women never underwent acupuncture treatment before the embryo was placed in the uterus.

The study results showed that some women from the two groups became pregnant. Thirty-four of the women who underwent acupuncture became pregnant, while only 21 women who never received acupuncture infertility treatment conceived.

Also, acupuncture stimulates the production and release of eggs for women who don’t want to use fertility medication or can’t produce eggs. However, this doesn’t make the treatment a substitute for modern reproductive treatment.

How Acupuncture Works 

Acupuncture improves the possibility of becoming pregnant by relieving stress, creating hormonal balance, and boosting blood flow to the reproductive organs. These facts are based on multiple studies, including the one mentioned above.

The human body has 2,000 acupuncture or energy points that link to 14 meridians. Chinese researchers believe these significant pathways known as the meridians conduct QI (pronounced in Chinese as Chee) or energy through the body from the head to toe or between the body surface and the internal organs around the clock. The continuous energy flow through the body creates spiritual, emotional, and physical balance. However, the moment this flow of Qi is interrupted by pain, disease, or poor health habits, you develop health problems, including infertility.

Acupuncture restores or maintains the normal energy flow through the meridians, increasing the chances of reproduction. Further, the sense of well-being assists the body to allow the creation of another life in it, enabling women to maintain the pregnancy until they give birth.

When you go for the treatment, a physician with acupuncture knowledge inserts tiny needles in the energy points or meridians connecting the body surface to the reproductive organs, enabling the flow of Qi from high energy concentration points to low energy points, encouraging fertility. For optimum results, you will need two thirty-minute sessions every week for several months.

When you look at acupuncture in a more western than Chinese way, the focus shifts from the Qi point of view to brain chemistry. According to the Fertility and Sterility journal published in 2002, there is a clear connection between acupuncture treatment and the brain hormones used in conception. The study shows that acupuncture enhances the production of the feel-good chemical called endorphins by the brain. The same chemical helps in menstrual cycle regulation.

Furthermore, acupuncture has neuroendocrine effects that help with hormone and ovary production, enhancing egg production and sometimes ovulation.

In another study by Sandra Emmons, published in the Medical Acupuncture journal in 2000, acupuncture changed the flow of blood to the ovaries, expanding the arteries and increasing blood flow to these areas, increasing hormone stimulation, which increased fertility levels.

In addition, if the uterus walls are too weak to sustain the baby for nine months, acupuncture helps strengthen these walls preventing what would have otherwise been chronic miscarriages. The traditional treatment does this by increasing blood flow to the uterus, allowing the uterus walls to absorb more nutrients and hormones, which enable it to become stronger and sustain the fixed embryo.

Acupuncture infertility treatment improves fertility through stress reduction, which affects both men and women. When under immense stress, the brain produces the cortisol hormone, which interferes with the neuroendocrine hormone balance, creating an imbalance in hormone levels critical in the reproductive cycle.

Acupuncture Infertility Treatment Candidacy

Although acupuncture sounds good as the answer to infertility problems, it’s not the answer to all infertility problems. If you have a structural problem like a blocked fallopian tube or a fibroid growth, acupuncture might not increase your chances of conception.

Also, you might be ineligible for this treatment if you are approaching forty years or older. The reason being your body no longer produces the Qi that increases the hormones needed for conception.

Because of these problems, your physician might recommend a fertility examination or checkup before considering acupuncture infertility treatment. If you discover structural issues requiring conventional medical treatment, you should learn more about these traditional solutions to your problem early enough to increase the possibility of conception.

However, in your early or mid-thirties, you might want to try acupuncture before exploring modern infertility treatment options like IVF. You might be lucky to conceive on your own with a few months of acupuncture therapy sessions.

Even if you opt for acupuncture to treat your infertility, not all available options are the same. Many physicians adopt different techniques when it comes to acupuncture, making it essential to understand the physician’s knowledge of the method and its success rate in infertility treatment.

Again, the cost of treatment varies from one physician or doctor to another. However, the expenses range from hundreds of dollars to one thousand dollars or above, based on the length of treatment and the physician’s experience. However, the cost shouldn’t be a deterrent because some insurance policy carriers cover acupuncture treatment. Unfortunately, not all insurers will be willing to provide coverage for acupuncture infertility treatment, so you should check with your insurer to know if they will be providing coverage for the part of or complete treatment cost.  

How Do You Find The Right Physician For Acupuncture Infertility Treatment?

In most cases, if you opt for acupuncture as the answer to your infertility problem, you have exhausted other treatment options without success or can’t afford the cost of advanced treatments like IVF. Therefore, you need an expert who will actualize your motherhood journey. Unluckily, not all physicians offering this treatment will lead you to motherhood.

First, ensure the expert has proper education, training, and licensing. Many states in the country regulate the licensing of acupuncturists. However, these states work with the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM) to determine qualifications for the practice. The right acupuncturist has completed NCCAOM tests and meets the state’s acupuncturist requirements. Therefore, when hiring, you should check with the candidate to know if they meet the federal and state requirements, including sitting for the necessary exams.

Also, you must understand not all acupuncture licenses you find out there are valid. Therefore, apart from the licensure, you must check their educational background and ensure they attended and completed an acupuncturist college. The education is supervised by renowned acupuncturists and often takes three to four years to complete.

All specialists that apply for the license must have attended and completed a program accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (ACAOM).

Besides, the expert must prove they are up to date with the latest acupuncture techniques to treat infertility by providing proof of continuing education. If the expert takes part in continuing education programs, they are updated with the latest advancements and techniques.

Acupuncture is not about education alone. Therefore, the acupuncturist of your choice must have adequate training necessary to obtain a license. Before completing education, an acupuncturist must complete up to 2,000 hours of training and treat over 250 patients. Therefore, motherhood might be closer than you think when finding a specialist with a valid license and education requirements.

Secondly, when undergoing acupuncture infertility treatment, your reproductive medical specialist must work closely with your acupuncturist to make the treatment more effective. Recall, you should undergo acupuncture treatment before and after a modern infertility treatment, meaning the two experts must coordinate to increase the chances of conception.

Also, you should see an obstetrician to aid your acupuncture treatment. Let the obstetrician know you are taking acupuncture sessions to treat infertility to avoid anything that might interfere with your medicine.

Similarly, even though acupuncture is compatible with other traditional Chinese medicine, if you are on IVF or conventional infertility medicine, you shouldn’t use herbal medicine without consulting with your doctor.

More often than ever, doctors recommend acupuncture to their patients dealing with infertility to enhance the efficiency of modern medicine. Therefore, if you use the two treatments simultaneously, take a pregnancy test after embryo implantation before acupuncture infertility treatment. If you are treating infertility alone, consult with an obstetrician to confirm your pregnancy. Some of the techniques used in acupuncture to tickle the uterus and increase fertility are the same that could cause a miscarriage. The procedure is safer if your acupuncture expert knows your pregnancy status.

Safety of Acupuncture Infertility Treatment

Acupuncture is safe if the treatment expert uses sterile needles and the right tools. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) categorizes acupuncture needles as medical tools, meaning they should be clean, non-poisonous, and non-reusable.

Again, the safety of the treatment depends on the person performing it. Therefore, when searching for a specialist for the procedure, ensure they possess adequate training and valid licenses for a safer treatment.

Side Effects and Risks

Infertility treatment using acupuncture has its risks. One of the risks is that, as the needles are pushed in the energy points, the physician might apply a lot of pressure, causing injuries or puncturing internal organs like the lungs.

Also, you might experience bleeding or staining around the injection site. If the needles are unsterilized, you may develop an infection, further complicating your treatment.

Like modern treatment, infertility acupuncture has few or no side effects. All you need is an experienced specialist to make the treatment successful.

The Baseline

Some people dealing with infertility are opting for alternative or complementary treatment options to conceive. One of these is acupuncture. And although many studies have shown this traditional Chinese medicine is effective, there are no conclusive studies to determine if it treats infertility or not. With that said, the treatment has low risk and few or no side effects, meaning you can try it but after consulting with your physician.

Find an Experienced Fertility Acupuncturist Near Me

If you have explored all the modern infertility medicine without success, it’s time to opt for acupuncture as a treatment or complementary. The treatment has shown excellent results for both men and women with infertility. Also, acupuncture infertility treatment is non-invasive and holistic, so there is no harm in trying it. To discuss your case or schedule an appointment, you should talk to Trinity Acupuncture. We have experience dealing with infertility patients and made many motherhood dreams come true. Call our Torrance, CA offices today at 310-371-1777 for a free consultation.