Understanding runaway libido is a one-of-a-kind and challenging task in and of itself. However, it can be stressful for some people who have tried every method to regain their sexual drive. In some cases, it could also seem completely hopeless. Acupuncture can provide solutions for those who want to continue enjoying sex, regardless of whether physical or mental issues bring on their low libido.

Acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), which have been used for years to improve fertility, could also increase your sex drive. In this blog, we will address any such queries about the effectiveness of acupuncture in raising an individual's sex drive.

Acupuncture Addresses the Underlying Issues that Could Be a Factor in Sex Problems

Acupuncture is an effective method of treating the underlying cause of sexual dysfunction. That is why most individuals use acupuncture with nutrition, lifestyle, and other natural health therapies to help patients enhance their sex drive. If you are suffering from a condition that inhibits your sex drive or libido, an acupuncturist would look for the root cause and administer needles in the acupoints related to the diagnosis.

Needles are only sometimes inserted where they make sense to clients since they address the underlying energy condition. For instance, a person visiting an acupuncturist for pelvic pain would have a few or no needles inserted in that issue location.

Acupuncture Boosts Low Libido

Identifying the underlying issue causing the condition is essential to know how acupuncture would boost a waning libido. Your sexual drive could become less intense for various reasons, including emotional problems, hormonal imbalances, postpartum depression, drug reactions, nursing, the onset of menopause, weight gain, stress, relationship issues, and physical responses, including the inability to have an orgasm.

A low sex drive is viewed in Chinese medicine as an energy imbalance of Qi among the body's organ systems, mainly the heart and kidney systems. Once the problem's root cause has been identified, certain spots are stimulated to change various physiological and biochemical conditions to boost both the body and mind and restore you to prime sex life.

Chinese medicines that enhance the therapy by improving vaginal lubrication, calming the mind, and regulating hormonal imbalances are recommended. For example, Ginseng can help control the glandular systems, which affect a person's mood and sexual drive.

Hormonal precursors, like Horny Goat Weed, increase the natural testosterone levels to enhance libido and sex drive. Other herbal extracts stimulate and improve female sexual pleasure while increasing orgasmic strength.

You Can Reach Orgasm With Improved Blood Circulation

Acupuncture promotes blood circulation in the channels surrounding the body's reproductive organs. In the past, researchers used Ultrasound Color Doppler Imaging to establish the benefits of acupuncture in enhancing blood flow. The National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) in the United States released a study report in 2012 that looked into the impact of acupuncture on blood circulation in the human body.

Acupuncturists who are qualified understand how to administer acupuncture to enhance blood circulation in specific locations and body organs like the kidney that affects sex drive either directly or indirectly. Therefore, if you have been suffering from a low sex drive owing to a circulatory condition, three or four treatments at an acupuncture facility would help you reach orgasm easily.

A healthy blood flow could also enhance your senses. Acupuncture is a holistic approach that synchronizes your mind, body, and heart. Therefore, you will have an easier time connecting with your spouse.

It Helps Balance Your Hormones

Suffering from hormonal imbalances could cause chaos in people's lives. Hormonal imbalances can disrupt your life in several ways than you could imagine, from disturbing periods and sleeping patterns to low libido and emotional stress. As a result, more individuals seek acupuncture treatment to address their hormonal imbalance issues.

Several studies have helped to explain how acupuncture influences female sex hormonal changes. According to a 2018 study, acupuncture can help raise estrogen levels. This treatment is particularly beneficial in increasing progesterone, estradiol, and prolactin levels.

The human body's hormonal system influences both arousal and sexual drive. Several factors, including poor dietary habits, stress, and weakened immunity, could be to blame for your hormone imbalance. Acupuncture can assist in naturally restoring balance.

Acupuncture Reduces Stress, Improving Sexual Drive

It is widely known that sex and stress do not mix well. This is true whether you practice acupuncture or are a complementary and alternative medicine expert. If you are experiencing stress and have several energy blockages, your potential to enjoy sex will significantly reduce.

Low sexual drive often results from stressful conditions. A professional acupuncturist can assist you in breaking free from built-up stress and worry by releasing stagnated energy. According to experts, one of the best measures to increase sex drive is to restore the body's balance and reduce stress.

When you're content and comfortable, it's much easier to enjoy sex. Acupuncture treatment relaxes you by lowering cortisol levels, a stress hormone. It shifts your body from flight mode to a more relaxed and calm one. Additionally, acupuncture has a cumulative long-term effect. This implies that long after the treatment is over, you'll feel completely at ease.

Acupuncture Can Help Identify Other Issues That Lead to Low Sex Drive

Professional acupuncturists are aware that undiagnosed problems may cause several libido problems. Acupuncture aims to restore the entire body rather than to suppress or hide a specific condition.

Acupuncture is considered a holistic therapeutic method. There isn't a specific spot on an energy channel in the body that will instantly increase your sex drive. The best part about acupuncture is it treats the entire body.

Therefore, when you receive acupuncture for a low sex drive, your acupuncturist will strive to address the underlying issues. As a result, if you undergo acupuncture therapy for detoxification or low sex drive, you could also have your back pain cured as a bonus or vice versa.

It Allows You To Enjoy Better Sleep

There's no doubt that sleep significantly impacts how well our minds and body function. An exhausted and fatigued body could cause a drop in a person's sex drive. The traditional Chinese treatment helps you feel more relaxed and in control. This, in turn, would lead to enhanced sleep quality. When the mind and body are refreshed, you could find yourself eager to enjoy the excitement between the sheets.

Using Acupuncture and Sexual Counseling

Traditional Chinese medicine treats health issues holistically and harmoniously. Acupuncture treatment focuses on the physical movement of energy through the Qi. It has been applied for several years to enhance wellness, alleviate sickness and pain, and improve general physical health. Acupuncture, for instance, can relieve premature ejaculation and ED, reduce painful sexual intercourse, promote fertility, and boost low-sex desire by stimulating the energy flow to the genital area.

TCM can include suggestions for lifestyle and health changes, in addition to herbal supplements and acupuncture, to increase the vitality and energy flow of the body. However, there are situations when an acupuncture patient's sexual health troubles result from underlying psychological disorders, and they would require additional emotional support.

They could be traumatized, ashamed, or require practical support and counseling about sex. This could be a great moment to offer the patient additional assistance by referring or recommending him or her to a professional sex coach. Ideally, your acupuncturist and sex coach would collaborate with you, authorizing both professionals to share the information.

However, depending on your needs, a specialist would directly refer or recommend you. Sex counseling can help you overcome emotional and physical issues caused by trauma by improving your confidence, acquiring new techniques, and coming to terms with your body's ability for sexual pleasure.

Benefits of Traditional Chinese medicine and Acupuncture in Boosting Sex Drive

Acupuncture and traditional herbal treatment could be beneficial for the following conditions:

  • Vaginal Dryness
  • Infertility
  • Premature ejaculation
  • Menopause
  • Reduced sperm quality or motility
  • Impotence
  • Low sperm count

Additionally, herbal medicines could be used to address your unique needs. Herbs can boost libido and improve sexual health by lubricating the vagina, reducing stress, calming one's mind, and balancing hormones. The traditional Chinese medicines blend and work together to enhance orgasmic strength and female sexual drive.

Ginseng, for instance, can assist in regulating the endocrine system, balancing the mood, and stimulating the sex drive. Natural testosterone levels could also be increased by Horny Goat Weed, which can lead to an increase in your sex drive.

Another beneficial aspect of acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine is the notion of the entire whole. Acupuncture considers an integrated approach while diagnosing and treating patients. By embracing this concept, it can treat the whole body rather than simply the symptoms or illnesses.

Acupuncture can help address several issues by tackling the condition's underlying cause and integrating the whole body. Another appealing feature of acupuncture is the low chance of adverse side effects. Therefore you have nothing to lose when trying to improve your sex drive through therapeutic approaches.

FAQs about Acupuncture and Increasing Sex Drive

The following are some frequently asked questions about using acupuncture to increase your sexual drive.

What Are the Signs of Low Sex drive?

Almost everybody loses interest in having sex now and then. Sexual desire in individual changes at different phases of his or her life. However, if you detect any of the following symptoms, you should be concerned:

  • You're not interested in engaging in any sexual relations
  • You haven't felt like having sex in a long time
  • Sexual thoughts no longer excite you
  • You're subconsciously or consciously concerned about your lack of sexual urge

What Are the Main Reasons Behind Low Sexual drive?

Several problems can lead to low sex drive or libido, including the following:

  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Low blood flow results from unhealthy lifestyle habits, diabetes, obesity, arterial problems, heart conditions, and so on
  • Inadequate sleep
  • Stress

Acupuncturists advise using acupuncture to increase your sex drive without suffering adverse side effects. Your specialist will use a whole-body technique to address problems such as low libido or sexual drive.

What Are The Differences Between Acupuncture And Western Medicine For Sexual Health?

An acupuncture treatment's most intriguing qualities are the low likelihood of experiencing adverse side effects. While conventional treatment could address some indicators of reduced sex drive, it also has several serious adverse effects, including a higher likelihood of developing certain cancers.

Acupuncture and Chinese medicine work together to cure the entire body. With traditional Chinese medicine, an acupuncturist can diagnose your condition and treat the disease's root cause and signs. This is possible because of a diagnostic system, which allows your acupuncturist to evaluate the health of your entire body. Your acupuncturist can also treat the mind and body this way.

Can Acupuncture Help You Have an Erection?

In recent years, acupuncture treatment has become popular in ED clinical trials. Several clinical trials have shown that acupuncture can enhance male erectile function. A network meta-analysis, also known as NMA, was carried out in this research to examine the safety and effectiveness of several types of acupuncture treatment in ED.

How Often Should I Seek Treatment?

Your condition will determine how often you receive treatment. One advantage of the pay scale is that it allows you to check in frequently, twice, or thrice a week.

Most illnesses respond quicker to several acupuncture treatments, while others require only one weekly visit. Once your health has stabilized, you will not need to visit the clinic regularly. When you stop by the clinic for your initial session, an acupuncturist will create a personalized treatment plan just for you.

Find an Accredited Acupuncturist Near Me

Feeling like you're suffering from a low sexual drive is nothing to be ashamed of. There are other safe, effective, and holistic options for help. Acupuncture does not provide a remedy for all medical issues. However, it is effective in certain situations. One among them is a lack of sex drive.

Our specialists at Trinity Acupuncture offer both acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine as part of a holistic approach to healing. We're here to address any issues you may have regarding acupuncture treatments. For additional information, call 310-371-1777 to speak with one of our certified acupuncturists in Torrance, CA.